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COMMUNITY A John Amos Thread

If I turn my AC off my house gets 80+ quick!!

I have a lot of windows and high ceilings so my AC is always trying to cool down empty space. I just bought some black out thermal curtains for my back windows that don’t have the thermal screens on them yet.
felt a cool ass breeze coming through the livingroom. My bedroom is right off it, it's cool as shit in my room right now. Window open, overhead fan on. Gonna sleep good tonight... Until I get too fuckin cold, turn off the fan, and get under the blanket at which point I'll prolly overheat and start sweatin' like crazy, pompting me to kick the cover half off me and eventually get back up and turn the fan back on.
If I turn my AC off my house gets 80+ quick!!

I have a lot of windows and high ceilings so my AC is always trying to cool down empty space. I just bought some black out thermal curtains for my back windows that don’t have the thermal screens on them yet.
Have your thought about investing in solar power?
Over a year since @Goldie and the mods stole black wealth from the masses. Billions of ABW bucks taken from black hands.

Will there be reparations? Ion know...

Juneteenth around the corner, Brothers and sisters


Juneteenth is around the corner, Brothers and sisters

Brothers and sisters, Juneteenth is around the corner.