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COMMUNITY A John Amos Thread

Went through that beef thread and it's nothing but crying and bitching from grown ass men. You niggas need to log off and go outside.
More white people at the boarder that fucked around and found out

The U.S. Border Patrol has sweeping powers to arrest and detain folks within 100 miles of the border (or, ya know, the entire state of Michigan.) They are the very last cops with whom you’d want to tussle, but that didn’t stop two brain geniuses from trying to use legalese magic to avoid one simple question; Are you a citizen?
Luckily, the doofuses recorded the entire interaction for our delectation and delight. While these guys don’t spout Sovereign Citizen rhetoric, they do display similar lack of both understanding of U.S. laws and common sense. They sound like they are about one blow to the head away from claiming they are “traveling” not driving.

How much you want to bet that these two complain about open borders and “illegals” voting?
My favorite part is when the fiery passenger claims to know both his Fifth Amendment and Sixth Amendment rights. Not sure how his right to a speedy and public criminal trial plays into this scenario, but it makes him sound more shady, not less. Also the Fifth Amendment protects Americans from self-incriminating testimony, not from answering any questions ever posed by the feds. Still, it’s nice to see the First Amendment getting a break from being misconstrued by the wearing-ugly-sunglasses-while-driving-a-truck crowd.

The moment he calls the female officer a “bitch” with a lot of pointing and yelling, it’s time for the “find out” moment to answer their “fucking around.” The scene ends badly, as you might imagine, with both men hauled out of the truck and officers ready with tasers.

Both men are insistent that they don’t need to answer questions from federal law enforcement, but boys, that just ain’t true. Customs and Border Patrol agents are allowed to make warrantless arrests anywhere within 100 miles of the U.S. border, according to the U.S. Supreme Court. You don’t even have to be in your car, they can come into your home and yoink you out.

And boy, does the CBP like arresting folks. In a report in 2021 on CBP activities in Michigan, where the feds claims 100 percent jurisdiction over the entire dang state, found that only 1.3 percent of arrests were of folks suspected of coming over the border illegally. A whopping 98 percent were longtime Michigan residents with brown skin who might have looked at the patrol cars funny, resulting in an arrest. The border patrol is also in the business of hacking your data out of your car and scanning every inch of your vehicle. Do not engage!

More white people at the boarder that fucked around and found out

Yep, I got hemmed up twice at a BP checkpoint on I-8 outside of Yuma. I used to go pick up my Rez check twice a year when we lived out there in Phoenix. Take a half day and drive out there, pick it up, cash it, and be on the way to work. The last two times I did it I got pulled over by BP. The first time the BP agent kept insisting I was trying to hide something from him, so they had me pulled off on the side of the road, had K9 go through the ride and the dog supposedly alerted on something so they proceeded to search the shit outta my ride, even to the point where they were taking shit apart on the side of the road. Didn't help that I had just copped it a few days earlier and had a temp tag in the window. When they found nothing other than the cash in an envelope they asked where it came from, I showed them the receipt. After they got done putting my car back together I had them call my boss and let him know why I was gonna be late getting back to work.

After it happened a second time, my wife and I figured we can just wait for the shit to come in the mail 'cause it wasn't worth the hassle of constantly being harassed by BP.
So I always see videos about Semen Retention and how good it is for health and mental mindstate. Then someone was saying the average man needs to bust around 21 nuts a month to have a healthy prostate. 🤔

Is semen retention really good, or is simply not being sex obsessed healthier for men?
More white people at the boarder that fucked around and found out

White people are fascinating. All that rather than just answering the question of "Are you a citizen?" The hilarious part is he kept on talking about his rights, but he only has those rights if he's a citizen, so what was his reason for not first confirming he was a citizen?

I'm not sure why human beings like him even exist.