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COMMUNITY A J Cole Apology Thread

@ImaInfluenza has beautiful smooth blemish free skin that is the perfect shade of dark chocolate. The kind of dark chocolate you close your eyes and let linger on your tongue to savor all the flavors when it's in your mouth.

It was not a ugly nigga compliment...
Mr. Fee wasn’t gay, he was in to transgenders, Be more progressive fam 😒 .

And when did these compliments from women happen? I have no recollection of a woman telling me I have a pretty smile and if one did, I’m pretty sure I’d be thankful.

Yeah that's still gay bruh.
I have this theory about becoming rich. Financially independent, can do whatever you want rich. Not Elon Musk shit, but brain surgeon rich. You making a quarter million to 500K a year minimum. You have a diposable money.

It's not so much about intelligence, in the sense of being booksmart or whatever.

It's more about the innate drive to be a rich motherfucker that will lead you to seeking opportunities during gold rushes.

For example, this AI boom is a gold rush. You don't have to be great right now to get a 250K off of AI bullshit. There's so many ways to get rich off of this AI shit, some of the shit you don't even gotta know how the shit actually work and don't need any technical skills at all.

1. You can take one of these open source models and host it in the cloud and charge people to use the shit. People are taking models, putting them in a cloud and charging +100 a year to use them. Most of these AI models, you are not paying to access the model, you are paying for the hosting fees. There's bootleg models outchea making bank, being hosted all over the world.

2. You can create plugins and sell them. Requires technical skill, but hey, how great you gotta be to create a mathbot?

3. You can create a business that collects data and etc from the public to be used in the models. That's a very simple business model, it's basically a survey site, these shits been around since the 90s. You can pay some Eastern European motherfucker $250 dollars to make a basic site on Upwork. Survey sites are buggy as shit anyway.

4. You can create an AI influencer using prompts and stream on Rumble, playing video games with a NSFW AI hoe.

5. You can create a NSFW AI art community on Telegram and charge motherfuckers a monthly fee to enter the shit.

6.. You can create one of those white noise, sleep YouTube channels that rack up 100K+ of views, using AI generated noise and images. Shit even better, find some royalty free meditation music on any of these audio sites and rack up.

7. You can use AI narration to create a lore YouTube channel and crank out 4 hour long videos about old video games and nerdy ass books that nobody reads. People play them to go to sleep. You racking up views without even trying.

Basically, if you are not on this AI shit right now, you gonna feel stupid like everybody that feels stupid because they didn't buy fucking Bitcoin when it was $.25 and then found out about Ethereum too fucking late. Then you trying to catch up, throwing good money after bad, buying shit coins like their lottery tickets.