Mr. Brick City
So lemme ask y’all something based on a video I just watched
An 8-figure “entrepreneur” stated that the worst thing you can do is send your children to “school” because the “system” indoctrinates us to have an employee mindset instead of a boss/thinker mindset. Which sets up most children for failure
His argument also was that the education system here was started by the Rockefellers and they we’re basically people who thought an economy can only work with more employees than “employers/bosses”
Basically his blunt statement is that school keeps us poor and isn’t productive for kids
Although I can see that education systems vary in its effectiveness….I think his viewpoint is based on a wild ass assumption that if kids learn to “think”without school they’ll be more rich because school keeps us “brainwashed”
The last thing a young child needs is a place they cannot be properly educated
Here’s the link
Then find ways to change the education system. If you have all of these boss/thinkers, you won't have the employees to work on your products.