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I was amazed the IMAX was sold out already lol

Dolby Cinema for a concert would be interesting though
It's perfect for people who cant afford concerts or dont like crowds. All them teen girls gonna have their own concert in those theaters. Bet money one would probably hear them singing along if they were watching a movie next door to the concert
Snoop Dogg with the Detroit connection. That might have been kinda ill if he had decided to stay in Tha D instead of going back to Long Beach.

At a Pizzeria I kept starring at this woman behind me because I thought she was someone I went to school with. I noticed she was taller and her lips were bigger, super fully red. Then I see her short oompah loompah lesbian friend / girlfriend. I’m like WTF she ain’t a lesbian, she has a daughter. Then it really hits me it’s not the girl I went to high school with. Her name was called and it was very close to the person I knew. But I realized she was taller, the girl I knew was shorter, her lips are not super full and red like hers is. Lesbians everywhere from ugly to 11/10, but it always surprises me seeing a 11/10 girl that’s a lesbian.

They don’t stay a lesbian forever

The archaic homo sapiens
The Jebel Irhoud (Aterian Culture)
1st West Africans when the Sahara was green
Related to the Iberomaurusians
Their cousins, The Natufians coming later ....
Hamitic & Shemitic
The Garamantes/ original Berber Tuaregs
It's in the blood.
They can't suppress and backtrack😳
Shit that means them dna companies might be getting rid of them Neanderthal variants. They finding out Homo Sapiens & Neanderthals cant breed.
That's why they calling the Jebel Irhoud Archaic Homo Sapiens.😄

Them Anthropological crakkkas think they slick
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