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@Goldie were you around when that mega guy got mad and started posting nasty pics all over the site? I'm trying to think of the crazy shit that's happened while you were gone lol
It's not abnormal for black and white people to speak differently even when being from the same place. That's pretty common down south.

This is true. A white person from DC and PG sounds way different from the non white people here. They don't even slur their "r" words like the rest of us do here.
lol It actually might be so common for the difference in speaking that people actually are surprised when people from different races do sound somewhat a like.

A good example would be with that Awkwafina chick. Everybody outside of NYC were accusing her of trying to talk black, but people I know from NYC have said that just sounds like a New Yorker and that there are lots of nonblack people in the city that talk like her.
It's not abnormal for black and white people to speak differently even when being from the same place. That's pretty common down south.

I never questioned the normalcy of it

Just had a random thought of how I never heard a white person from Baltimore say “tew”
This is true. A white person from DC and PG sounds way different from the non white people here. They don't even slur their "r" words like the rest of us do here.
This had my ass saying r words out loud to see if I slur them since I lived in Landover when I was a kid and Waldorf as a teen

I know I say Maryland different from people in other states
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