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Any of you niggaz ever been called Beautiful?

I ask cause, that..that gotta be like the ultimate compliment for a man right..we ain’t pose to be beautiful..folk can call you sexy, or handsome, or good looking..like, nothing crazy. A sun rise or set is Beautiful..women are Beautiful, so a man ain’t pose to be seen as or called that shit.

So to be called that shit gotta be the pinnacle right? What if a gay nigga called you Beautiful. I was at a light one time and I looked to the left and this gay nigga in a BMW winked at me and blew me a kiss.

I was about to be upset and then I realized I can pull a nigga in Benz..that gotta mean something right?

I ain’t asking cause somebody called me beautiful. Im asking cause I’m actually asking. Shit gotta be like the chip right…nigga get called beautiful and go home and Kobe

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My GF called me beautiful before. I'ma marry her ass one day.
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