A,B,C or D?


and Baka's got a weird case, why is he around??
Site Owner
Jan 14, 2017
The Burbs
And why?

This thing sez speak up ladies....
That just whats on the poster or only mujers can answer?
Ok well no quality time first which goes hand in hand with no sex to me
Arguing next
Aburrido last
I call myself boring but truly i dont think I've ever been in a boring relationship. If theres downtime I'ma find a way to get on a chicks nerves
I gotta say "no sex", boring is a very close 2nd, but atleast I'll be gettin pussy from the boring chick.

I like to be to myself so I aint trippin about quality time. I mastered ignoring chicks so i aint trippin about arguing,
C and A.

I've always been able to entertain myself so idc if he's boring and lack of quality time can be excused provided he's doing something more productive with his time that benefits us in the long run.

But no sex and fighting all the time? Pshh that ain't a relationship
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I hate constant arguing with a passion but no sex is just something I won’t tolerate. So before we even get to the arguing, I’ll be gone due to lack of sex.
C. But only if we started out sexing and then it just stopped. If she celibate up front then i knew what i was going into.

Then B. Need QT