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27-year-old man, citing constant rejections, threatened to kill 'as many girls as I see

That's not true at all because you keep discountin' the social and psychological aspect of sex and male-female courtin'. If it were as simple as 'just go to a prostitute' there'd be far fewer rapes.

I addressed that already: These new niggas are a part of a generation that has been told that there are no losers, everybody is a winner, and everyone deserves a trophy just for trying.

Let that sink in for a moment before we move on from here.

... Now, apply that way of thinking to the interaction between the sexes at a young age. If you have been raised to believe that everyone is worthy just for trying, then how do you imagine they would feel when they're rejected because the opposite sex finds them unworthy of their time and attention? Back inna day, a lot of dudes aspired to date the fine chick, but we were also grounded in a reality that let you know that, while you may desire her, she may not desire you... and that's fine because there's a chick near you that's feelin' you; just open your eyes and take a look around.

These new niggas have been fed lies about the world we live in from an early age. They're raised to feel that they're entitled to whatever it is they desire and they can't function if that doesn't happen because they were never taught how to lose. They are so fixated on the "hot chick" because she's the prize in everyone's eyes that they don't realize that the chick that's on equal footing as they are, sitting next to them in 6th period Physics is feelin him. Nah, 'cause she ain't the prize, Amy the popular chick is the prize.

They have these completely unrealistic expectations about what dating and relationships are like and it's because their perception of the world is built about everyone being winners.
That's not true at all because you keep discountin' the social and psychological aspect of sex and male-female courtin'. If it were as simple as 'just go to a prostitute' there'd be far fewer rapes.

you're still not accounting for the legality and social stigma around prostitution. Remove that and normalize it and this will not be an issue.
I addressed that already: These new niggas are a part of a generation that has been told that there are no losers, everybody is a winner, and everyone deserves a trophy just for trying.

Let that sink in for a moment before we move on from here.

... Now, apply that way of thinking to the interaction between the sexes at a young age. If you have been raised to believe that everyone is worthy just for trying, then how do you imagine they would feel when they're rejected because the opposite sex finds them unworthy of their time and attention? Back inna day, a lot of dudes aspired to date the fine chick, but we were also grounded in a reality that let you know that, while you may desire her, she may not desire you... and that's fine because there's a chick near you that's feelin' you; just open your eyes and take a look around.

These new niggas have been fed lies about the world we live in from an early age. They're raised to feel that they're entitled to whatever it is they desire and they can't function if that doesn't happen because they were never taught how to lose. They are so fixated on the "hot chick" because she's the prize in everyone's eyes that they don't realize that the chick that's on equal footing as they are, sitting next to them in 6th period Physics is feelin him. Nah, 'cause she ain't the prize, Amy the popular chick is the prize.

They have these completely unrealistic expectations about what dating and relationships are like and it's because their perception of the world is built about everyone being winners.
I never understood niggas who smash the same chick.

I just can't. Too many women in this world to share.
The reason I'm askin' is because I assume you would feel differently after havin' slept with a prostitute than you would after havin' slept with the woman you love

These dudes don't love these chicks, they're infatuated with them and the idea of a relationship with them.
The reason I'm askin' is because I assume you would feel differently after havin' slept with a prostitute than you would after havin' slept with the woman you love
Been there and done that.
Now I just want a nut and to be left along.
These dudes don't love these chicks, they're infatuated with them and the idea of a relationship with them.
They see it as....she been with all these guys and wants to settle with me.
They see that as the win.
When its actually the lost. Because no one wants a hoe.
But what do I know.
One of the common complaints from these cats like this is that they're still virgins. Elliot Roger was an entitled, sexually frustrated virgin. Alek Minassian was known to be socially awkward and also a virgin. And now this dude; a socially awkward, sexually frustrated virgin.

The whole "incel" movement could use a trip to a brothel or wherever as long as it's legal. Right now it's not and getting caught with a hooker can mean getting your face on some local website that shames men for being caught soliciting prostitutes or, even worse, it could mean sex offender registration.

Legalize it and give these men an option, even if it's not the way they would like to lose their virginity, the option to do so would still be there.

i agree that thatd work until myron ass mfs start showin up..

I don't know if legalizing prostitution really addresses these weirdos' problems.

First of all - even though prostitution is illegal in most places it's not like it's hard to find if you're looking for it. Second, regarding the legal status - last time I checked mass murder is still illegal so we're not talking about people that are pathetically bound to some kind of unjust legal system holding them back from their true desires.

These people are fucked up terrorists and women haters and there probably isn't any kind of easy fix to cure them.

If you're 27 and still an unwilling virgin in the age of tinder there's a reason for that.
I don't know if legalizing prostitution really addresses these weirdos' problems.

First of all - even though prostitution is illegal in most places it's not like it's hard to find if you're looking for it. Second, regarding the legal status - last time I checked mass murder is still illegal so we're not talking about people that are pathetically bound to some kind of unjust legal system holding them back from their true desires.

These people are fucked up terrorists and women haters and there probably isn't any kind of easy fix to cure them.

If you're 27 and still an unwilling virgin in the age of tinder there's a reason for that.

They're mad 'cause they couldn't get any of the girls they wanted.
They believe they deserve to be able to get them because they were raised to think they could have anything.
They were never taught that sometimes you lose in life and you DON'T get everything you want.
These guys are the walking embodiment of everything that is wrong with raising your kids like this.
Remember "everyone gets a trophy" is the reason these dudes believe this shit.
Rofl. This chump probably going after women out of his league. Should have been going after fat chicks but he don't deserve pussy after this. Hope he is someone's girlfriend in jail.
Legalizing prostitution, though I believe it should be done, won't stop people like this because it's not about the sex. If it was, they would simply go out and buy a prostitute. It's not like it's that hard to do in the 1st place. It's the mental aspect of knowing somebody wants them...that's why the rejection hits them so hard. They want to be desired...simply paying a woman to pretend won't fix that and actually ends up putting prostitutes in a danger situation w/ a dude that's alread mentally unstable
Legalizing prostitution, though I believe it should be done, won't stop people like this because it's not about the sex. If it was, they would simply go out and buy a prostitute. It's not like it's that hard to do in the 1st place. It's the mental aspect of knowing somebody wants them...that's why the rejection hits them so hard. They want to be desired...simply paying a woman to pretend won't fix that and actually ends up putting prostitutes in a danger situation w/ a dude that's alread mentally unstable
Yeah I agree. I don't think this is about rejection at all. Mass shooters and serial killers are not all virgins who have been rejected by women. When you thinking of committing a mass shooting then you want to do that refardless. This guy just looking for an excuse to act on his twisted desires.
If he took the time and energy he was gonna put into his killing spree and put it into improving his life and finding a career he was passionate about the problem would solve itself. Seems like a lot to go through just for the result to be the same.
Legalizing prostitution, though I believe it should be done, won't stop people like this because it's not about the sex. If it was, they would simply go out and buy a prostitute. It's not like it's that hard to do in the 1st place. It's the mental aspect of knowing somebody wants them...that's why the rejection hits them so hard. They want to be desired...simply paying a woman to pretend won't fix that and actually ends up putting prostitutes in a danger situation w/ a dude that's alread mentally unstable

The problem with this way of thinking is that it completely ignores the illegality of prostitution as well as the social stigma surrounding it. If it's legalized and normalized it presents a legitimate avenue for guys that are socially awkward to lose their virginity. Some of those dudes that were once problematic would simply say "fuck you bitches" and roll out and pick up a hoe.