This hit was malicious and has no place in our game…
But the NFL needs to get the “weaponized quarterback slide” out of the game.
As dangerous as hits on a quarterback are when the quarterback chooses to slide, we need to stop allowing quarterbacks to fake slide or late slide in order to gain yardage and confuse the defenders on if the quarterback is sliding or not.
It would go a long way towards taking those terrible hits out of the game and making things more safe for the quarterback and for the defender.
A late slide, fake slide, or acting like you’re gonna go out of bounds and then skirting forward for a few more yards; these all need to be 15 yard penalties against the offense.
And it’s about time the NFL referees started marking the ball down immediately when the quarterback starts to slide… Which is the rule by the way!
If this happens, the big hits on quarterbacks when they’re sliding will be completely eliminated from the game. That’s what we all want right?