I don't even remember saying thatLmaoooo i like Grimes too. Hes only a 2nd year player. Hes gonna be a really good defensive role player. Exactly the type of player to put next to Brunson.
But all that said, my boy @Ironman never gonna get a pass for saying no to a Jalen Brown deal cause he didnt want Grimes in it. Lmaooooo
Yup. All in all I'm happy with how this season went. We were looked at as barely a 10th seed and instead we're in a war to get to the ECF against one of our most hated rivals. Nothing better you can ask for.Is this your way of saying you won’t feel bad for losing the series now?
Lol end this on Friday to quiet these bozos
Lol end this on Friday to quiet these bozos
Lol end this on Friday to quiet these bozos
Super inauthentic because look who’s doing it lol fucking complex. SidetalkNYC were the originatorsNah this seems forced and corny and inauthentic lol
This is great news
That nervous energy