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2023/2024 NBA Season Thread

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This Minnesota team is different than all the other Minnesota sports teams. This Timberwolves team actually steps on the enemies neck, not like the Vikings that get hit in the mouth one time and wilt. Not like the Twins that just get shit on by the Yankees in the first round of every playoff series.

I’m telling ya’ll. This could be the first major championship brought to MN since 1991.
Aren't these tied to extra money when it's time to re-up the contract?

For all rookie team? I wouldn't assume so but if I'm wrong my bad. Irregardless he made it so what's the problem. How did they rob him?
The NBA needs to normalize the kind of play we're getting in the playoffs as the norm. That really just means instructing the refs to give more leeway to the defenders, which I've seen some people argue already happened coming out of the All-Star break.

The only problem is that you have to get players to actually buy-in on playing hard, and I don't think a lot of them will do that during the regular season.
The NBA needs to normalize the kind of play we're getting in the playoffs as the norm. That really just means instructing the refs to give more leeway to the defenders, which I've seen some people argue already happened coming out of the All-Star break.

The only problem is that you have to get players to actually buy-in on playing hard, and I don't think a lot of them will do that during the regular season.

Nah there's too much of an extra gear you have to play with for playoff basketball to be the norm in regular season play. They have too many games for that to be a realistic request.

I'm just happy "playoff basketball" is a thing.
Nah there's too much of an extra gear you have to play with for playoff basketball to be the norm in regular season play. They have too many games for that to be a realistic request.

I'm just happy "playoff basketball" is a thing.

You right, but I do feel like the way the refs are calling it is better. This is a good balance of offense and defense. I think if they get the rules/reffing right, the game will be better than it's ever been.
Nah there's too much of an extra gear you have to play with for playoff basketball to be the norm in regular season play. They have too many games for that to be a realistic request.

I'm just happy "playoff basketball" is a thing.

I’m just happy you’re not seeing 120+ point games regularly in the playoffs
You right, but I do feel like the way the refs are calling it is better. This is a good balance of offense and defense. I think if they get the rules/reffing right, the game will be better than it's ever been.

I guess but playoff basketball has always been a thing. I'm not really seeing anything different happening. If anything I'd say this has been one of the weaker playoffs. There's been mad blowouts.

I think it's just the fact it's not the usual suspects that might be exciting you more than anything else. Ain't nothing changed but the faces. 🤷🏿‍♂️
I guess but playoff basketball has always been a thing. I'm not really seeing anything different happening. If anything I'd say this has been one of the weaker playoffs. There's been mad blowouts.

I think it's just the fact it's not the usual suspects that might be exciting you more than anything else. Ain't nothing changed but the faces. 🤷🏿‍♂️

You're right about the blowouts. Those are crazy. I did kinda screen those out and am only really talking about the good games, so you're right, the playoffs as a whole probably haven't been that great.

I didn't watch many Timberwolves games this season. I know they've had a good defense all year, but were they always allowed to be that smothering or are they getting more leeway in the playoffs?
You're right about the blowouts. Those are crazy. I did kinda screen those out and am only really talking about the good games, so you're right, the playoffs as a whole probably haven't been that great.

I didn't watch many Timberwolves games this season. I know they've had a good defense all year, but were they always allowed to be that smothering or are they getting more leeway in the playoffs?

More leeway. But that's always the case in the playoffs. It gets more physical and the best defensive teams usually do well. The cream of the crop rises to the top.
More leeway. But that's always the case in the playoffs. It gets more physical and the best defensive teams usually do well. The cream of the crop rises to the top.

True. Well, I don't know. I like seeing teams actually play defense, and I think the Wolves and a couple other teams proved that good defense can still thrive in the modern game despite what people like Gilbert Arenas and JJ Reddick claim.
More leeway. But that's always the case in the playoffs. It gets more physical and the best defensive teams usually do well. The cream of the crop rises to the top.
They call less fouls on drives in the playoffs and lowkey let players actually scramble on lose balls lol
I know the Pacers had a favorable situation to get to the conference finals but the Kings should feel like some dickheads for trading Haliburton

People keep talking about that being a win win for both teams

No the fuck it wasn't

Sacramento about to be lost in the sauce while the rest of the west passes them up
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