2022 WNBA Thread (ACES WIN 1st WNBA TITLE)

Budgetary reasons I suppose which prolly violated collective bargaining agreement
If Aces ain't bringing Liz back they need to make a run at Plaisance. Not gon beat Phoenix in a playoff series with no bigs

Cuz not all teams can afford it so the rule is nobody can do it.

Wack af

That's exactly why it's a rule, because not all team owners can afford it.

It's not a wack rule because it can actually be used by teams as a way to "unfairly" recruit free agents. The players union and the league also agreed upon the rule in their last CBA supposedly.

The whole situation with the ladies not being paid as high as they should and their accommodations is a sad state of affairs but the players association agreed to those terms. I wish the league was bigger in this country so they wouldn't have to go abroad to be paid better but unfortunately it isn't. A good amount of those foreign leagues have been around a bit longer which helped those leagues have better fanbases and stronger support.