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2022 Member Of The Year Award Goes To......

Damn that is the best we had to offer in 2022....
Ahem ahem....

Thank you all for the outrage. While I initially felt no joy from this award, I see now that to not accept would be a great travesty to all the ppl who put in blood, sweat, and tears for me to receive this. All the hurled insults. All of the abuses of power. All the mismanaging and corruption of accounts. It took work to get us this far

To my fellow nominees, you are the dredges of society and our community but you were entertaining enough to be remembered. Just remembered.....

But not I! Because I shall live forever. This badge will be worn with the upmost pride. Legends never die.
And neither does Chi

thanks Chicity for telling us about the site after it went down, hosting these awards, and making me a mod, and not abandoning us when we had no leadership

you were truly the member of the year