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2022/2023 Football/Soccer Thread

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Speaking of Turkey....

I always said IF he was found guilty, he could still play football afterwards in places like Turkey lol
But according to this fernebahce fan, he's not welcome!

Mans went from "he's not welcome here" to "I hope it's not true" lol

People really be thinking their little opinions matter.

Free up mi balla
Social outrage media can fuck off

Pending more details in the rape allegations targeting Moroccan footballer Achraf Hakimi, his lawyer Fanny Colin has suggested that the case against her client may be an “extortion attempt.”
“In my opinion, it appears from the documents in the hands of the judicial police that Mr. Hakimi, in this case, is the subject of an extortion attempt,” Marca quotedColin as saying.
The lawyer also questioned the plaintiff’s decision to not file a rape accusation against the football player.
“The complainant refused to file a complaint, to submit the slightest medical and psychological examination or to be confronted with the Moroccan player,” the lawyer said.
"Achraf Hakimi strongly denies the accusations against him," according to a statement from Hakimi's lawyer, Fanny Colin, who called Hakimi a "victim of racketeering"and said "being charged gives M. Hakimi the possibility to defend himself with a lot of rights, especially to have access to the case file."
That's crazy that the "accuser" didn't even file rape charges or submit to a medical examination, yet the French police are moving forward on this against Hakimi.

It's already hard for women to win rape cases with evidence, so how they gonna do anything to him other than tarnish his reputation with accusations... Just crazy!
Foden back!
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