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2022/2023 Football/Soccer Thread

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Lmaoooo it took 4 seasons for someone to get thru to him about playing a through ball instead of glory hunting. Lil dude is on a purple patch atm. Pathetic because mans getting praise for finally doing the absolute basics of attacking play.

And every coach that keeps playing him either lost their job or are on the verge of getting the sack.
Count your days, Potter
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I really need to do some reading on the IRA.

Start with the 'Old IRA' from the 20's the proper IRA that fought against the English taking their country during the War of Independence... The British like villanise the IRA like the new and old were the same and merge the two...

The republican IRA songs are folk songs from the 20s etc for the heros that fought to save their country from the scummy British...

The British were absolute cunts, they would kill random Irish children so they didnt grow up to be future IRA members...

Britain has tried to ethnically cleanse Ireland since the beginning of time, forcing them to become British, Protestant lose their language, traditions and region etc
Start with the 'Old IRA' from the 20's the proper IRA that fought against the English taking their country during the War of Independence... The British like villanise the IRA like the new and old were the same and merge the two...

The republican IRA songs are folk songs from the 20s etc for the heros that fought to save their country from the scummy British...

The British were absolute cunts, they would kill random Irish children so they didnt grow up to be future IRA members...

Britain has tried to ethnically cleanse Ireland since the beginning of time, forcing them to become British, Protestant lose their language, traditions and region etc
I love history so I'm going to check out more about the IRA. The most I know about it is the Troubles in the 70s. Not to sidetrack too much, the whole decade of the 70s were wild everywhere.
I love history so I'm going to check out more about the IRA. The most I know about it is the Troubles in the 70s. Not to sidetrack too much, the whole decade of the 70s were wild everywhere.

Yeah the 70s wild for sure... Ive got tons of books on Irish history, from the British killing millions with the potato famine to Irish Volunteers starting the IRA then through the modern IRA and The Troubles etc I'll dig some out that I can recommend to check...

Theres tons of good articles online too, just stay away from the British washed ones or ones that say both sides are to blame lol as Im not sure how if a country tries to take away your country and wipe out the civilians inside said country along with their culture, that can be seen as even...

Tony Blair issued an apology for the famine not so long ago...
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