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2021 NFL Offseason Thread

He gave up the 3rd most completions in 2017 and gave up the 2nd most completions in 2018 I'm not even going to mention what he did in 2019 and 2020 lol dude is trash

How did he get rated so high? I'm not saying you wrong, I have not heard anyone ever say dude is trash before all this. I'm starting to think people have more of an issue w the money, than the player
Not sure. Megatron retired in 2015. He also had over 1k yds every year in the 2010s until he retired.
Browns stats took a nosedive at the end of the 2010s
Jones was going over 1k yds every year since 2016 except he had 771yds last season but Falcons only won 4 games
Fitz has less yds in the 2010s than Brown but he also has had a bunch of different QBs in 2010s. He's also been on a decline but he's also closing in on 40

Kind of want to go with Jones but Megatron was an absolute beast before he retired
Oh shit 2010s I thought it was all time. I didn’t even read it correctly.

AB easily. And it’s not even close.

AB games 139 Yards 11746 Catches 886
JJ games 135 Yards 12896 Catches 848

And the reason AB >>>>> is because of this

AB Touchdowns 79
JJ Touchdowns 60
How did he get rated so high? I'm not saying you wrong, I have not heard anyone ever say dude is trash before all this. I'm starting to think people have more of an issue w the money, than the player
I don't know what or how they base it off of but they have it on paper but even titan fans complained about him we play them twice a season and I saw nothing special in him....you'll find out tho
I don't know what or how they base it off of but they have it on paper but even titan fans complained about him we play them twice a season and I saw nothing special in him....you'll find out tho

Idk...but the other 3 guys in front of him seem to have played good. Jaire, Sherman and the other guy I forget who it was. So the list is accurate for three names that have been good. But completely off on him? Not sure how that makes sense