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2020 Olympic Games 🇯🇵

Caught a glimpse of the men gymnastics....the announcer said something like "This guy is the male version of Simeone Biles of the uneven bars....you guys are in for a treat because this will be his only event he will be participating in"

Then buddy fell off the bars seconds later.....I haven't laughed that hard in a minute
Caught a glimpse of the men gymnastics....the announcer said something like "This guy is the male version of Simeone Biles of the uneven bars....you guys are in for a treat because this will be his only event he will be participating in"

Then buddy fell off the bars seconds later.....I haven't laughed that hard in a minute
They had that on a looop lmao the pressure hit him hard
US Skateboarding team doesn't look too exciting. Outside of Nyjah I don't know any of these dudes. No star power at all on this team
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Skateboarding is the 2nd biggest in Brazil lmao that just funny to me
One of the biggest skateboarding legends ever, Bob Burnquist is from Brazil