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2020 Olympic Games 🇯🇵

I don't think y'all understand how short the shelf life in gymnastics is. You'd b lucky to see two Olympics at MOST. 3 and you considered a geezer. So this was alot of those girls' only chance to get an Olympic gold medal and the widely considered gymnastics GOAT, the LEADER of the team just said "Nah."

Like imagine how that feels. Lol

Ain’t she old too tho lol
I dunno, I wanna feel bad for Biles but at the same time… she had 5 years to prepare for this. If there’s other shit going on in your life that effecting your mental health that’s one thing, but the pressure of winning in the big stage is what greats thrive on. I feel like a lot of people wanna use mental health as a blanket excuse for shit. Worse thing happens is that you loose. Oh well. It’s not like she didn’t prove herself before.
I dunno, I wanna feel bad for Biles but at the same time… she had 5 years to prepare for this. If there’s other shit going on in your life that effecting your mental health that’s one thing, but the pressure of winning in the big stage is what greats thrive on. I feel like a lot of people wanna use mental health as a blanket excuse for shit. Worse thing happens is that you loose. Oh well. It’s not like she didn’t prove herself before.

Mentals aside...I get. I mean if she felt like she would do more harm than good to the team, and bowed out b/c of that...props to her.

That's unselfish af. She didn't allow her pride or ego get to her. She put team over everything. So I commended her for that. Too many people criticize atheletes for being selfish, and only lookin out for themselves.

Am I disappointed...sure. Was lookin for her dominate again. But she already put her stake in as a GOAT. I'm good wit that.
I agree, she looked way off the other day but she was still good enough to dominate. What's the difference now is my question. You can't get to the big stage (that you're familiar with) and then need a mental health day. Goats don't do that. She was better off claiming a injury.

She's definitely full of shit if she competes in the individual competition

I'm cool with it as long as it's a physical injury and I'll stand corrected on everything I said but if it's mental then I'll still smh.

I can't imagine the stress that she has to deal with to reach her level of success but part of her training regimen should be dealing with that. And i don't think she really was helping the team by sitting out and making a lesser talent step up and try to fill her shoes. The media would crucify a man in any team support that tried that and question his mental toughness and I just don't think she should have the luxury to do that...... heck just look at how they did Kyrie

Can somebody explain the Men's side of the 3x3 shit to me? I fee like I'm missing something. How the hell is a men's BBall team not even in the picture? I get they may not be using pros, but you telling me with all the college talent and niggas that are at the gym every damn day playing 3x3, we couldn't get a medal worthy squad?

Edit: I found my own answer. Niggas, don't play ball like this anymore.

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I'm hoping the legacy of Olympics tennis picks up because the matches have been extremely underwhelming.

Delpo Murray on the men's side are Olympics MVPs