Sam Crooke
Active Member
1. Who's the most feminine male poster?
2. Which female poster seems like she would be the most difficult to be in a relationship with?
Kandy. She gonna argue, but she gonna win every time, lol
3. Which male poster has most likely gone the longest without gettin pussy?
4. Who male poster is the biggest simp/most thirsty?
5. Which poster most likely watches the weirdest porn?
Me.. Wait no Sion,lol
6. Which female poster is most likely to stalk an ex?
7. Which male poster is mostly to be a deadbeat father?
Hmm hopefully none but if I had to guess I'd say Sambo Crook since he acts the most fatherless
I'd leave you in heart beat... that kid would still be waiting by the doo... couldn't even at me too...