Sam Crooke
Active Member
What male poster do you think would get dropped if they ever agreed to a fight?
@IP360 nigga can't even argue without ending it with lol. Id knock his dusty ass out in a heartbeat
What female poster do you think would get dropped if they ever agreed to a fight?
AKMC she probably wouldn't even fight, just show up and sit in her car with the doors locked while talking shit to you.
Which ACTIVE poster do you think have roaches?
@Beta nigga lives in New Jersey and that place is a dump
What male poster do you think would get dropped if they ever agreed to a fight?
Glass Jaw @Beta....EASY!!!
Which ACTIVE poster do you think have roaches?
@Sambo Crook you dont be just loving on strippers and not have roaches
Which male poster do you think dirty macks? (Talk down other niggas to make themselves look good)
@Beta ...he would give up his sibling if he thought it was gonna get him laid
There's posters that admitted they have mice in they crib yoo.... and not every stripper is dirty... hell you in a city with some top notch ones too