Big Lurko
Im not here to read more than 2 lines..
Well ain't this bout a bitch...
feelings activated....funny how the women that are most wifeable are the ones that be siding with yall wack ass niggas
the jig has ascended
feelings activated....
Or get this...nah I dont care about what yall consider wifey qualities because Im sure it resmebles a doormat or a brick wall.
nah I dont care about what yall consider wifey qualities because Im sure it resmebles a doormat or a brick wall.
damn, that's how you feel about my wife?:df:nah I dont care about what yall consider wifey qualities because Im sure it resmebles a doormat or a brick wall.
Cleaned the floor with that nigga. Good game thoughBoth Superior and Shady were tied for the #1 answer. No Points.
Ohmars wins the 2mill, the homie @TonyDubbz still wins 1mill.
Thanks to all the players, participants and spectators. Until next time, go fuck urselves.
Or get this...
i started to choose that nigga once I saw his edge up in that post your S/O thread nhnh
rofl......was it my answers???
Nah she said that well before ur bs answers fam lol