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20 year old Tyshawn Jones’ climb to the top of skateboarding


Active Member
I just posted this in the black excellence thread but it was suggested that it get its own thread so here it is.

Pretty sure I’ve always been the only skater on the IC/ABW but this shit is exciting to me anyway.

Remember when Chris Rock joked about black people dominating most sports and comin for the few the whites have left? Well it’s kinda skateboardings turn right now. Black people have always been skating but definitely killin the game now. If you asked who dropped the heaviest videos lately you’ll hear the names Zion Wright, Ishod Wair, Nyjah Huston, Tyshawn Jones.

Thrashers “Skater Of The Year” is the closest thing we have to a big award that matters.

Last year Tyshawn Jones deservedly won SOTY. He’s a 20 year old from the Bronx, big sponsors are Adidas and Supreme. Kid doesn’t smoke or drink, a bit of a rare example in skateboarding, and opened up a restaurant in The Bronx called... “Tastes So Good (makes you wanna smack yo momma)” lmao. He’s employing his homies there, owns Hardies Hardware (skate/clothing brand).

Kid is doing it right. I’ve met him skating in the streets a couple times and he’s a humble dude despite the hypebeast nature of Supreme marketing.

Adidas gave him a pro shoe, New York Times just did a great profile on him (https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/08/29/magazine/tyshawn-jones.html ), he’s getting a huge push as a mainstream star lately.

He killed shit all year then dropped his SOTY clinching video part in the new Supreme video “Blessed”. Supreme is still being too stingy to let it live on YouTube so I’m posting random other TJ clips.

His claim to fame is what we call “pop.” Ups basically, how high he blasts his tricks off the ground is kinda something never seen before.

Also the skate industry has always been heavily California based but TJ is definitely one of the dudes putting east coast skating in spotlight.


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I-D mag dropped this profile video yesterday. Interviewed a few fried OG skaters who sound dumb when they talk but most of it was really good.
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Dope drop! What makes his pop stand out from others? Is it his athletism ? Watched some vids on him. Also what's special about the supreme videos? Is it like their mixtapes? Where are those videos posted if not on YouTube?
Dope drop! What makes his pop stand out from others? Is it his athletism ? Watched some vids on him. Also what's special about the supreme videos? Is it like their mixtapes? Where are those videos posted if not on YouTube?

yea, athleticism, he literally just pops his tricks higher than pretty much everyone and makes it look good. All these flip tricks over upright trash cans or that picnic table the long way is not fucking normal, unheard of. That ollie over the subway entrance has definitely been pondered by NY skaters for years but never stepped to until TJ conquered it.

Yea your skate video is kinda like your album. Each skater on the team busts their ass filming for a year or 2 to produce a few minutes of their best footage, hope to have some impact or produce a classic. Supreme videos aren’t more special than other skate brand videos but they have a lot of buzz because Supreme is bigger than just skateboarding. Usually skate vids go up on YouTube after iTunes for a while but Supreme being greedy about it and still can only be bought or rented on iTunes. All I see for his Blessed part on Youtube part is bootleg quality and missing the whole second half:
About time another young brother made some noise on the skating scene. I thought Terry Kennedy would have led to more youngsters taking it big.
TS is arrogant af

'Pretty sure I’ve always been the only skater on the IC/ABW'
Good for young blood
If I ever find myself in god forsaken bx again(not likely) I'll look for his restaurant