2 LAPD officers gunned up and clapped quick

It's cool bruh, I dont need to deemed neither hard nor down. Been on this muthafucka for 37 years, too many lessons, too many experiences. Self esteem and self confidence lives in self. I know who I am, so I can come on here and act like a loser, a nigga hard up for pussy and cant get none, a nigga that's deemed soft, a nigga viewed however and still be aight wit self.

Its me..da Trickle man

ICers know what it is
Black folks can’t win a race war here.

Shit would be on some Dream Team vs your local middle school.

We ain’t no where near ready for that type of attack
Believe it or not, there are plenty of whites who would break rank and fight on our behalf.
Hell, some Hispanics and Samoans would be on our side too.
idc how anyone feels... your feelings are your feelings... so u wanna celebrate their deaths or attacks... cool, do you... but to encourage this type of behavior is stupid....
I, for one , am not encouraging this type of behavior.....
But, on the other hand, I’m not DISCOURAGING it either.
I understand why people are fed up with cops.
Cops have no one to blame but themselves for this.
After 400 years, people have had enough .
That’s all.
just popped up on my local news

the female officer was shot in her jaw... she helped her partner... he was shot in his arm and I’m not sure if it also was in the head/face...and they’re saying they have “really good leads” and they feel confident they’ll get the guy... the new reward is now $200k