‘It’s still a blast beating people’: St. Louis cops indicted for assaulting undercover officer


You niggas is EXCOMMUNICADO!!!
Feb 14, 2018
D.C. don't mean Dodge City!!
‘It’s still a blast beating people’: St. Louis cops indicted for assaulting undercover officer posing as protester

When a judge acquitted a white St. Louis police officer in September 2017 for fatally shooting a young black man, the city’s police braced for massive protests. But St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department Officer Dustin Boone wasn’t just prepared for the unrest — he was pumped.

“It’s gonna get IGNORANT tonight!!” he texted on Sept. 15, 2017, the day of the verdict. “It’s gonna be a lot of fun beating the hell out of these s---heads once the sun goes down and nobody can tell us apart!!!!”

Two days later, prosecutors say, that’s exactly what Boone did to one black protester. Boone, 35, and two other officers, Randy Hays, 31, and Christopher Myers, 27, threw a man to the ground and viciously kicked him and beat him with a riot baton, even though he was complying with their instructions.

But the three officers had no idea that the man was actually a 22-year police veteran working undercover, whom they beat so badly that he couldn’t eat and lost 20 pounds. On Thursday, a federal grand jury indicted the three officers in the assault. They also indicted the men and another officer, Bailey Colletta, 25, for a the attack. Prosecutors released text messages showing the officers bragging about assaulting protesters, with Hays even noting that “going rogue does feel good.”

To protest leaders, the federal charges are a welcome measure of justice — but also a sign of how far St. Louis still has to go four years after the Ferguson protests helped galvanize a national movement for police accountability.

“If it was not a police officer — and particularly a black police officer — who was the victim of this assault, would we be at this juncture?” the Rev. Darryl Gray, one of the protest organizers, told The Washington Post. “We’ve had several incidents of protesters and activists being the victims of excessive use of force and police abusing their authority without ever seeing charges like this.”

The 2017 protests centered on the case of officer Jason Stockley, who had killed 24-year-old Anthony Lamar Smith in December 2011 after chasing him following an alleged drug buy. Stockley had an unauthorized, personal AK-47 on the scene and was recorded on a dash cam during the chase saying he was “going to kill” Smith. Moments later, after Smith crashed, Stockley fired five fatal shots into his car.

In 2016, local prosecutors charged Stockley with first-degree murder and alleged the officer planted a revolver in Smith’s car after the killing. When a judge acquitted him on Sept. 15, 2017, activists who had emerged from the Ferguson protests planned mass demonstrations around St. Louis.

Gray said he expected police to act much as they did during Ferguson, when heavily militarized officers stormed protesters, drawing national condemnation from civil rights activists. “We knew that from 2014, the police culture had not changed,” he said. “We knew it wasn’t going to be pretty.”

In fact, texts from Boone, Hays and Myers suggest those officers were explicitly looking forward to violently attacking protesters. The day the verdict was released, Myers suggested they “whoop some ass.” Boone boasted about how he would beat “people up when they don’t act right,” and “just grab” protesters and “toss them around.”

Asked how he was faring during the demonstrations two days after the verdict, Boone responded “A lot of cops getting hurt, but it’s still a blast beating people that deserve it . . . I’m enjoying every night.”

That same day, Boone, Hays and Myers encountered a man identified as L.H. in federal documents. According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, he was actually Luther Hall, a veteran city cop working undercover during the demonstrations. Though he made no effort to resist, the three cops brutally beat Hall, who was left with a two-centimeter hole above his lip, an injured tailbone and back injuries that required surgery; he still hasn’t recovered enough to return to work, the Post-Dispatch reported.

In the weeks afterward, prosecutors say, the three cops gave false statements about the arrest and even directly contacted Hall to try to dissuade him from pursuing charges. Myers also destroyed Hall’s cellphone, prosecutors say. Colletta, who was romantically involved with Hays, also lied to investigators about the assault, according to the indictment.

Boone, Hays and Myers face charges of depriving Hall of his constitutional rights and conspiring to obstruct justice. Myers also faces a charge of destroying evidence and Colletta is charged with obstructing, influencing or impeding a grand jury.

The four officers are being represented by police union lawyers who declined to comment to the Post-Dispatch. Jeff Roorda, the union’s head, told the Post-Dispatch, “We encourage elected officials, the media and the public to allow them their day in court without speculation about their guilt or innocence.”

Local activists have been particularly struck by the text messages released by prosecutors. Missouri State Rep. Bruce Franks Jr. (D) made his name as a leader during the Ferguson demonstrations and has a pending lawsuit against St. Louis County police over his arrest in a 2014 protest. Earlier this week, he released body-camera footage that also showed officers in his case bragging about roughing up demonstrators.

“Those officers are excited and proud of beating up protesters and folks exercising their rights,” Franks told The Washington Post of the new text messages. “My case was in 2014 and now this is from 2017. This culture hasn’t changed.”

Franks said he plans to introduce legislation to more tightly restrict use of force by police and to offer more legal protections to protesters. But he also urged prosecutors to look deeper into the 2017 protests, which led to dozens of arrests — including a Post-Dispatch journalist who has filed one of at least 14 lawsuits over the police response.

“We need to hold everyone accountable, not just these officers,” Franks said. “There were more officers involved. We have higher-ups who were involved.”

As dark a picture as the indictments paint of police actions during the protests, Gray sees hope in the story being revealed.

“Maybe this police officer getting beat up by three of his own, who deliberately went out to hurt someone who was compliant and not resisting, maybe this is what is needed in this country and this city and this region to finally say, ‘We have not gone far enough to hold police accountable,’” Gray said.

I mean... better him than a real person that wasn't there as a plant trying to undermine a legal peaceful protest.

Hopefully he learned a lesson from his ironic ass-whooping.
I mean... better him than a real person that wasn't there as a plant trying to undermine a legal peaceful protest.

Hopefully he learned a lesson from his ironic ass-whooping.

Though he made no effort to resist, the three cops brutally beat Hall, who was left with a two-centimeter hole above his lip, an injured tailbone and back injuries that required surgery; he still hasn’t recovered enough to return to work, the Post-Dispatch reported.

This nikka still talmbout returning to work! I wish a mofo would be hollerin' bout some gotdamn work. What work bih??!? Only thing supposed to be goings on is a settlement...... and hefty ass one @ that!!
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Undercover St. Louis cop says colleagues beat him 'like Rodney King'; describes attack as 'free for all'

ST. LOUIS • An undercover St. Louis police officer who was beaten by colleagues during protests in 2017 later described the attack as a “free for all” and told someone at police headquarters that he was beaten “like Rodney King,” according to recently released court documents.

Detective Luther Hall’s statements about the night he was attacked were used by the FBI to justify searches of four officers’ cellphones and associated accounts as agents investigated both Hall’s attack and the arrest or detention of other protesters following the Sept. 15, 2017, acquittal of former St. Louis police Officer Jason Stockley.

They provide the most detailed retelling of Hall’s version of the attack and new information about the resulting FBI investigation.

That investigation resulted in charges in November against four police officers. Officers Dustin Boone, Randy Hays and Christopher Myers were accused of the physical assault and charged with depriving Hall of his constitutional rights and conspiracy to obstruct justice. Myers also is charged with destruction of evidence, accused of destroying Hall’s cellphone. Officer Bailey Colletta was accused of lying to a federal grand jury investigating the attack. All have pleaded not guilty. Hays’ lawyer, Brian Millikan, declined to comment. The other lawyers did not respond to requests for comment Monday.

On Friday, a judge ordered redacted copies of the search warrants unsealed, and four of nine have been so far.

In affidavits supporting the application for the warrants, FBI Special Agent Darren Boehlje wrote that Hall and his partner were undercover, “documenting protest activity and property destruction.” Hall was carrying a Nikon camera and a cellphone.

Hall and his partner became separated when fleeing other officers who were firing pepper balls, bean bag rounds and mace into the crowd from vehicles, the affidavit says. The affidavit also notes that Hall did not hear an order to disperse prior to the police use of chemical agents and bean bag rounds.

At an intersection, police SUVs pulled up and a female officer ordered Hall to get to the ground.

As he was getting to his knees, Hall was picked up twice and slammed to the ground, face first, Boehlje wrote. His nose and lip were already bleeding when he was repeatedly kicked and hit with closed fists and sticks, Boehlje wrote.

Hall’s hands were in front of him on the ground, and although officers were telling him to put his hands behind his back, they were also standing on his arms, Boehlje wrote.

“Hall described it as a ‘free for all,’” the affidavit says.

Hall’s cellphone screen had been shattered from what Hall thought was a baton. After he was handcuffed, he watched as an officer took out his Nikon battery and threw the camera to the ground, breaking it, Boehlje wrote.

The affidavit suggests there may be video of at least part of the incident, as Hall’s cellphone was “actively recording” as he surrendered.

Hall did not want to reveal his identity. He made eye contact with someone he knew, and that person got two SWAT officers to take Hall away. He later received medical treatment in an armored vehicle before telling someone at headquarters that officers “beat the (expletive) out of him like Rodney King.” Hall then received more treatment at a temporary Highway Patrol medical facility.

It took three layers of stitches to close the hole in his lip, and he suffered multiple herniated discs, the affidavit says.

A jaw injury made it hard to eat and Hall lost about 15 pounds, Boehlje wrote.

He identified four officers at the scene of his assault: Boone, Colletta, Hays and Myers, Boehlje wrote.

The affidavit also details text messages purportedly exchanged after the attack:

The day after the assault, Boone and Hays discussed it by text, with Hays writing that he’d told someone “the ass whooping can be explained. The camera thing can’t and we weren’t a part of that.”

Boone replies that he was “WAY more alright with what u and I did than what the others did! I don’t like that we put our hands on another cop, but the situation was a little (expletive) up, too, wasn’t JUST us.”

Hays then echoed that, adding that Hall “could’ve announced himself any time. And he wasn’t complying. The camera thing is just ignorant, nothing we all haven’t done and if it was a protester it wouldn’t be a problem at all.”

On Sept. 22, Boone writes that someone is trying to call Hall, apparently to arrange an apology.

Hays replies that he wanted to apologize “before someone gets in his ear and true (sic) to turn this into something more than it was.”

Boone replies, “EXACTLY! That’s my biggest fear now that it’s getting around. Somebody puts money or race in his ear and he listens for some reason and it’s over before we get to say a word.”

Boone reached out to Hall in a text message on Sept. 25, 2017, apologizing and asking to do so again in-person, the affidavit says.

Hall has still not returned to duty.

The indictment says the three thought Hall was a protester and assaulted him “while he was compliant and not posing a physical threat to anyone.” All four officers were working protest duty on the “Civil Disobedience Team,” and several had exchanged electronic messages before and after the arrest expressing “disdain” for protesters and “excitement about using unjustified force against them and going undetected while doing so.”

The Sept. 17, 2017, protest was one of many that followed the acquittal of former police Officer Jason Stockley on a murder charge for the fatal shooting of Anthony Lamar Smith.

Some protesters and their lawyers have questioned whether their allegations will be investigated as aggressively as Hall’s.

In a written statement last month, U.S. Attorney Jeff Jensen said, “This office and the FBI will continue to accept and thoroughly investigate evidence of alleged police misconduct. Charges result only when witnesses are willing to speak to authorities, officers against whom allegations are being made can be identified, and there exists sufficient evidence to support the allegations against identified officers.”
Fuck that cointelpro ass coon. He was there to set people up and do who knows what to people who were exercising their constitutional rights. Fuck that house negro. I hope his pig buddies beat his ass again.