Welcome To aBlackWeb


  1. J

    Billionaire Lifestyle and Mindset to Financial Freedom

    great motivation for the weekend and future Billys
  2. J

    Black female entrepreneuer co-founds $1 billion company

    this is so cool
  3. NeighborhoodNomad

    Business/Money Management Apps

    What are some good business and money management apps? Anything from banking and accounting to receipts and taxes.
  4. Loquacious

    ABW Money Wars 2

    TEAM ME @Tyrion Lannister - 4 million @BNE - 100k @Judge_Judah - 100k VS TEAM RUTHLESS @Joshua Sanchez -11 MILLION @TheMasterKey - 32 MILLION @Bum From Bmore - 11 MILLION
  5. Golden

    Ladies: the Prince and the Pauper

    Ladies, how has socioeconomic class played out in ur love life? Noticed any patterns? Any experiences on different ends of the spectrum? Hit us with some stories. Bonus, specific but related q: have you personally had to choose between a wealthy man n a middle or working class man? Who did u...
  6. NeighborhoodNomad

    Let's Play A Game Vol. 2 - $$$

    I bet all of my e-paper that you can't name me 10 specific things that money does. Give me a list of 10 specific things that money does and you get all my e-cash (as of right now it's $6,500) but if I prove you wrong, I get half of yours. Deal?
  7. Goldie

    The Official Board/Card Game Thread

    I'm gonna be implementing the money system to the site soon and I thought a dope way to use it would be to set up some board/card game competitions for money. On Pogo.com there's pretty much every board/card game possible on there that we can use to play against each other. Let me know what...
  8. Golden

    Joint Accounts - Yay or nay?

    Our debate was derailing other threads, so this hot topic had to be made. I say nay. What about you? I do. It's just that to me, separate accounts remedy that.
  9. Golden

    It's the first date or 2. Who picks up the tab? Do you split the check?

    Let's do this.