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  1. S

    COMMUNITY Al Green: An Appreciation Thread

    Y'all gon' stop actin like the good Reverend ain't one of the GOATs of soul! Oh, and phuck y'all in adavance for the grits jokes...dusty muhphuggas *rolls eyes* My absolute #1 favorite Al Green song...sexiest shit ever!😻 💦
  2. H

    NSFW l0rdju / plantbaeju

  3. bluntedsultan


    Alot more Weezy leaks on that channel too
  4. M

    GOAT: Esther Baxter

    GOAT: Esther Baxter
  5. GOAT

    OUT NOW Devin the Dude "Still rollin' up: Somethin' to Ride With"

  6. BDP™️

    RD1 GOAT Match of Attitude Era - The Rock/Mankind @ Raw 1-4-99 vs Stone Cold/The Rock @ Mania 15

    The Rock/Mankind @ Raw 1-4-99 vs Stone Cold/The Rock @ Mania 15
  7. BDP™️

    GOAT Match of The Attitude Era (97-02)

    As promised here is the first installment of our "GOAT" Tourneys here in ABWWF Same format as the "Goat Song" tourneys in The Record Store First 64 entries so choose wisely. make sure you indicate the date and event the match took place and also provide a video if you can.. if you do post a...
  8. 1

    Poll Better Fight Scene: Bruce Lee

    Return of the Dragon Enter the Dragon
  9. MzKB

    OPINION Rock vs Chappelle... Let's End This Now!

    Polls close in 3 days.....Vote! Dave Or Chris
  10. BDP™️

    OPINION Dance Fever...MJ Edition

    Aight...this thread was inspired by @Goldie Thriller Anniversary thread. We all know MJ is regarded as the GOAT performer...especially when it comes to dance breakdowns and choreography. So rank these 5 MJ Choreographies...it was kinda hard to just pick 5...so if one is not among the choices...