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COMMUNITY United States Politics Thread: Trump's Second Term

lol like I kept saying as long as it didn’t win we could have circled back 4 years from now
But now shit might really be the land where Demolition Man reigned

In 4 years
That's what most of us were saying on here during the election.
I'm shocked all this is happening and it's the ALL the Democrats fault

I guess we're going to be seeing Kermit a whole hell of lot over the next 4 years.
And to think its been 10 days

10 days so much more shit will happen in the coming months..
And we will hear him and his cohorts as the faces and voices on front street oom the heels of every incident, tragedy, force of nature etc...

I mean I think there is SOME truth that different treatments can react differently based on the race/ethnicity of a patient but fuck that noise... that guy is still a fuckin nut and shouldnt be in a position of power when it comes to peoples health