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Added to Calendar: 09-06-24

Saw this on Monday when I was off work. It was aight. Michael Keaton was solid. The story itself was meh. They turned up the gross out factor which in all honesty didn’t work for me like I thought it would. I hope the next one is the last one.
Alright, just seen it. It was okay. It felt cheap, though. Atmosphere was somewhat there. Storyline sucked.



Beetlejuice is one of my all time favorite movies. Watched the hell out of it as a kid. One of those movies I'll watch anytime it is on.

This new Beetlejuice was just alright. The problem was they had too many stories going on at once. Like the soul sucker. She was pointless. This was a lot more violent then what i was expecting as well. Not a bad thing but I had to check if this was rated r
Saw this on Monday when I was off work. It was aight. Michael Keaton was solid. The story itself was meh. They turned up the gross out factor which in all honesty didn’t work for me like I thought it would. I hope the next one is the last one.
They said they were doing another one?