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Real Talk or Simp/Prostitute Talk?

Wait for her to get with a guy that can afford her, let her get bored with him, and then take advantage of her desire for something different.

The unfortunate truth is that Eve mostly always bites the apple, there are some that don’t. But what type of woman doesn’t want what they are told they shouldn’t have.

Those are the exceptions
This could have been worded much better but I see the point trying to be made.
This. Because there is definitely a segment of women whose top priority when dating is having a man that will have them living a certain lifestyle and for whatever reason there are some men who rather then simply not engage with these women they try to shame them for their preferences.
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Afford her?

She's a person, not a car or a new couch. I'm tryna build a life with her, not purchase her.
This is what bothers me when people make comments about affording a person (usually a woman's) attention or loyalty. This all sounds like people want to be bought. It took me forever and a day to get on board with the idea of marriage because it felt like I was expected to buy my wife without her feeling purchased.

So much about relationships looks like really slow tricking. It reminds me of that Key and Peele skit where dude's scheme was just working until retirement. People can never manage to be straightforward about their intentions.
I interpreted it as "If you can’t afford her (lifestyle), leave her alone", and yeah I agree.
Well if they were to merge lives and how they spend money doesn't match up it could cause problems down the road...

If I live a certain way based on my income, I'm gonna live like that whether I'm single or not.

I only see women worried about what somebody else is making and applying it to their lifestyle.

I could be wrong tho, there might be niggas out here who think like that too.