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Down with Doom Scrolling, Up Hope Posting

Good morning everyone. Walking with God isn’t just about being religious. Walking with God isn’t just about being Christian. Walking with God is about walking with the best parent you could ever have.

Who tries their best to save you from your self and prevent you from having things you want, that come with more than you want, and more than you can handle.

But if you really want it, this parent provides you the lessons, and breaks, to make you into the person that can handle what comes with what you want.

And then this parent presents it you in a way that’s greater than anything you could have imagined.

Walking with God isn’t about being better than others, or holier than others, or perfect, no, Infact, walking with God is about being flawed, less than perfect, and humility to treat others as better than you are.

Walking with God is about a perfect parent knowing how imperfect you are, accepting and forgiving you for being what you can not be, and providing everything they can, to get to as close to it as possible.

And what you can’t do, the parent will, because the parent is perfect. God bless everyone that read this message. God loves you, even if you don’t know him. He loved me for 30 plus years before I did.
This is a little negative but has a positive message but, there’s good in bad and bad in good. I was actually thinking about this in relation to someone today. No ones perfect and god has helped me understand to appreciate people for what they do have more than what they don’t. But…it’s a lesson to learn in this as well in regards to that.
