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Tell an embarrassing story about yourself


3yrs ago me and my homies went to the Cowboys vs Panthers game in Dallas. We get there Thursday night, hit up some bars and hit up some clubs go see a homie who lives in the area then Sunday comes around and we hit the game up. My boys are Cowboys fans and myself and my homie P are the Panther fans. So we're in the stadium life is good and we're about to leave my squad lost so I lowkey but it's cool I get up to leave then out of nowhere boom felt like I was shot in my ankle. The pain was intense so bad that I could barley walk to the truck my boys was saying aye man just got to the Dr in Dallas but I was like I can thug it out till I get back to Charlotte and on top of that my guy P had some strong as muscle relaxers from a surgery he had in his bag from a month ago so I took them.

We catch the flight I'm back home and I head to my Foot and Ankle Dr. By then my ankle area is throbbing in pain Dr see what's going on and said somehow some way I strained my ACL badly. Said I have to be off of it for 2 week and and hit me with a cortisone shot for the pain and put me in this half sock looking thing that applies pressure on the tendons that are strained for them to heal better.

Here comes the embarrassing part

Here's the thing about the boot sock looking thing you have to wear a pressure sock with it and that sock has these little grip joints on the bottom of them to help you from SLIPPING and or SLIDING. Fast forward to the last week of wearing the boot/sock thing. It's a Friday and I overslept so I had to get into a meeting for work and my office is downstairs. I put on my boot/sock BUT couldn't find my grip socks so I said fuck it and put on some random ass suit socks that I had in my drawer because I was trying to be ontime for my meeting so I wasn't paying attention. Rush out my room about to go down the stairs and not thinking I step down on step with my boot/sock on slip fall down all the damn steps.

Fucks up my knee refucked up my ACL and had to rush to the ER because I thought broke some shit. ACL is fine now but knee been washed since ☹️
For visuals....


3yrs ago me and my homies went to the Cowboys vs Panthers game in Dallas. We get there Thursday night, hit up some bars and hit up some clubs go see a homie who lives in the area then Sunday comes around and we hit the game up. My boys are Cowboys fans and myself and my homie P are the Panther fans. So we're in the stadium life is good and we're about to leave my squad lost so I lowkey but it's cool I get up to leave then out of nowhere boom felt like I was shot in my ankle. The pain was intense so bad that I could barley walk to the truck my boys was saying aye man just got to the Dr in Dallas but I was like I can thug it out till I get back to Charlotte and on top of that my guy P had some strong as muscle relaxers from a surgery he had in his bag from a month ago so I took them.

We catch the flight I'm back home and I head to my Foot and Ankle Dr. By then my ankle area is throbbing in pain Dr see what's going on and said somehow some way I strained my ACL badly. Said I have to be off of it for 2 week and and hit me with a cortisone shot for the pain and put me in this half sock looking thing that applies pressure on the tendons that are strained for them to heal better.

Here comes the embarrassing part

Here's the thing about the boot sock looking thing you have to wear a pressure sock with it and that sock has these little grip joints on the bottom of them to help you from SLIPPING and or SLIDING. Fast forward to the last week of wearing the boot/sock thing. It's a Friday and I overslept so I had to get into a meeting for work and my office is downstairs. I put on my boot/sock BUT couldn't find my grip socks so I said fuck it and put on some random ass suit socks that I had in my drawer because I was trying to be ontime for my meeting so I wasn't paying attention. Rush out my room about to go down the stairs and not thinking I step down on step with my boot/sock on slip fall down all the damn steps.

Fucks up my knee refucked up my ACL and had to rush to the ER because I thought broke some shit. ACL is fine now but knee been washed since ☹️
No knees yet he still stands on top of the world
Ima stay wit theme tho, ankles and what not

I was on a ladder one time at a service call and I notice this huge spider that I had never even seen the type before. But I was to afraid to knock it down, so I go back to my truck and get bug spray.

So I get up there like an idiot and spray a powerful stream of bug spray it it, this spider proceeds to eat it, swing back from the pressure and use its momentum to swing right back at me full speed.

I panic and jump off the ladder, 28ft in the air. I come down and my ankle starts screaming but I’m so up on adrenaline and making sure the spider didn’t land on me that I don’t really feel it.

I just took it as charging it to the game, my ankle messed up but I can still walk so it is what it is. So a day or so later I’m a the office and my supervisor is like, why are you limping. I told him the story cause it’s funny to me and he just get stoned faced.

He said, so what you are telling me is that you injured yourself on the job and didn’t tell anyone and now you’re telling me? I said if you want to put it like that, he says, are you stupid, you can’t just hurt yourself on the job and not tell someone, and especially not me.

You know the kind of trouble you just put us both in. I said, obviously not, laughing. He yelled at me, I’m not joking!! He said, go in there and tell the manager you hurt yourself today. So I did, and I had to file an injury claim.

They make me go to a pop doc and I find out that not only is my ankle badly damaged, some how I got MRSA too, so how have not idea how..

So now, they like, you know, you could lose this foot, and it’s a good that your supervisor told you to come cause …so now, I gotta get this dealt with. So the nurse that an ends up dealing with this thing.

Is this young bad sister, and she has to drain the infection and she looks like she is loving every moment of it, and it smells and I’m crying out like a bitch. All of it was not one of my best moments.
was at a concert & started to get lightheaded

could tell it was almost over, maybe another song or 2, so I tried to thug it out

next thing I kno, I'm waking up on the ground surrounded by a group of people

they tried to help me, but I was like "nah I'm good"

got up & continued to try to keep it together

until I woke up again in a wheelchair out in the hallway

my homies was so pissed at me lol
This nigga trying still trying to put a playful eight mile spin on his whole weird sex criminal stalker catfish gay rapper impersonator shit in 2024 is wild.

If you’re going to randomly spit a string of words to describe a mfer at least attempt to make the shit sting.

Tell that nigga you hope he has to blow his nose during a sinus infection and only has access to 1-ply and you pray the snot hits his hand
Ima stay wit theme tho, ankles and what not

I was on a ladder one time at a service call and I notice this huge spider that I had never even seen the type before. But I was to afraid to knock it down, so I go back to my truck and get bug spray.

So I get up there like an idiot and spray a powerful stream of bug spray it it, this spider proceeds to eat it, swing back from the pressure and use its momentum to swing right back at me full speed.

I panic and jump off the ladder, 28ft in the air. I come down and my ankle starts screaming but I’m so up on adrenaline and making sure the spider didn’t land on me that I don’t really feel it.

I just took it as charging it to the game, my ankle messed up but I can still walk so it is what it is. So a day or so later I’m a the office and my supervisor is like, why are you limping. I told him the story cause it’s funny to me and he just get stoned faced.

He said, so what you are telling me is that you injured yourself on the job and didn’t tell anyone and now you’re telling me? I said if you want to put it like that, he says, are you stupid, you can’t just hurt yourself on the job and not tell someone, and especially not me.

You know the kind of trouble you just put us both in. I said, obviously not, laughing. He yelled at me, I’m not joking!! He said, go in there and tell the manager you hurt yourself today. So I did, and I had to file an injury claim.

They make me go to a pop doc and I find out that not only is my ankle badly damaged, some how I got MRSA too, so how have not idea how..

So now, they like, you know, you could lose this foot, and it’s a good that your supervisor told you to come cause …so now, I gotta get this dealt with. So the nurse that an ends up dealing with this thing.

Is this young bad sister, and she has to drain the infection and she looks like she is loving every moment of it, and it smells and I’m crying out like a bitch. All of it was not one of my best moments.
This nigga battled with Spider-Man... Gotdamn