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Karen Situation or Arrest Worthy?

Not black and white but I think the brother needs therapy.

I understand his frustration and I even understand him thinking spanking is gonna help his kid not use the restroom on himself but what he's missing is spanking a child cause they haven't learned to hold their business or how to alert an adult they have to go to the bathroom isn't something to be punished over as there could legitimately be an issue in that area that needs medical and or mental help

Also yelling to a young child repeatedly to shut up is a sure fire way to encourage that behavior as they grow up and try to establish relationships with other people

Screaming to the top of your lungs to be heard (i.e. just cause you're yelling your point doesn't make you more right) or yelling to someone or is frustration when y'all disagree

I sincerely hope that brother and that child get counseling
I normally don't share with with y'all niggas but I thought this was a good time for story time with AP

Many years ago when I belonged to the streets, I dealt with a young lady that had two young girls

One of her daughters was like maybe 11 but had a bed wetting issue. She definitely wasn't lazy or did it out of defiance but if memory serves, she had an abnormally weak bladder or something. Before this was found to be the cause, her mom tried several therapists and doctors but kept loving her throughout it all

Never yelled at her or made her feel inadequate. Just kept trying to find solutions and continued to pour into her young daughter.

Eventually I think everything just started working as it should and the girl probably don't even remember that being a thing.

This is an area where as parents, people need to remember kids are just small versions of adults. They come with a bunch of problems as well they are still trying to figure out so imagine if you have a shitty parent that made you feel like this was your fault
people need to ditch bad parenting passed from generation to generation. You really don't need to spank children. just talk to to them and not down to em either.
I hear you, but when kids are involved, it should be a little different. They don't always have someone that will do right by them.
Valid but stepping in whenever somebody disciplines a kid is a tricky thing

Somebody gonna call the cops every time our mom yoked us up at the clothing store because we playing inside the racks?

The guy deserved it but we also can’t fly into action everytime someone yells at a kid and pops them
Fuck that guy.

He deserves everything he bout to get.

Impatient ass couldn’t be calm enough to talk shit from the front seat while driving like a real dad.


This nigga got to fighting with a gotdamn toddler in a parking lot.

Fuck him from end to end with a spiked rusty shishkabob full of squid hooks.


Back and forth like Aaliyah say

And Forth.
I normally don't share with with y'all niggas but I thought this was a good time for story time with AP

Many years ago when I belonged to the streets, I dealt with a young lady that had two young girls

One of her daughters was like maybe 11 but had a bed wetting issue. She definitely wasn't lazy or did it out of defiance but if memory serves, she had an abnormally weak bladder or something. Before this was found to be the cause, her mom tried several therapists and doctors but kept loving her throughout it all

Never yelled at her or made her feel inadequate. Just kept trying to find solutions and continued to pour into her young daughter.

Eventually I think everything just started working as it should and the girl probably don't even remember that being a thing.

This is an area where as parents, people need to remember kids are just small versions of adults. They come with a bunch of problems as well they are still trying to figure out so imagine if you have a shitty parent that made you feel like this was your fault
bed wetting at 11 is unacceptable.
let me explain myself...... what i seen in that video is a man who might of had a bad day...... was his yelling a bit much? yes was him hitting him because the kid pissed or shit himself at 3 too much? probably..... but let's be honest as kids we all got a smack in the mouth or two in a public place for cutting up.... that white woman was being extra nosey.... what she want a award from her local NAACP chapter?
let me explain myself...... what i seen in that video is a man who might of had a bad day...... was his yelling a bit much? yes was him hitting him because the kid pissed or shit himself at 3 too much? probably..... but let's be honest as kids we all got a smack in the mouth or two in a public place for cutting up.... that white woman was being extra nosey.... what she want a award from her local NAACP chapter?

Eh… I’m not about to beat & yell at three year old to shut up in the middle of a parking lot for doing some three year old type shit. Plus you can just tell this nigga does this on the regular this ain’t a isolated incident. Also… I got the belt a time or two in my day but my dad never did no shit like this especially in public.
Eh… I’m not about to beat & yell at three year old to shut up in the middle of a parking lot for doing some three year old type shit. Plus you can just tell this nigga does this on the regular this ain’t a isolated incident. Also… I got the belt a time or two in my day but my dad never did no shit like this especially in public.
That's because you're not a psychopath. SMH. There is no argument to be made that dude's behavior wasn't arrest-worthy...to ME.