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Advice wanted: Here's the situation...

If he wanted to steal it he wouldn’t have checked through your window, his morals was kicking in before he could justify it.

If someone’s gunna steal something that’s the priority, not checking if the house is vacant.

Kid was second guessing himself and wanted a reason to back out. Let him be.

or maybe once he saw nobody was home he was gonna break in the house too and snatch the package on the porch on his way out lol
It's a tricky situation because if lil man's is cold blooded & you confront him he might get mad & retaliate on you by damaging your vehicle, busting out your windows but you might scare some sense into him & he may never fuc around your spot again . Id say get a yard sign saying that your crib is monitored by security cameras & leave it as that
You know what? I was gonna let it go. I even left the crib to go to Walmart and came back. Started cooking dinner, sippin on a brew and all that 'cause I was gonna let it go.

Then I looked at these two cameras that I bought because niggas wanna bring their bullshit out here and shoot up the block and niggas wanna rush gates and shit (there was a home invasion a few blocks from me back around the end of May), and it pissed me off. I gotta spend money 'cause niggas don't know how to act, even in a nice, quiet, rural ass community 25 miles or so from Detroit. The fuckin audacity that this lil muhfucka had to walk all the way up the front of my crib in an attempt to steal shit from me, and it ain't like he knew what was in the boxes at all, he was finna do the shit just because...

... Fuck it, I made the call.
good for you ..... i hope they catch the miscreant.
So, I'm sittin here a lil while ago fuckin around on the computer procrastinating about mowing this lawn and shit when I see some lil teenage dude walking up the front of my crib. Now, the front of the spot has a wheelchair ramp on it, and he's walking up it and I can see him through all the front windows and he's looking in the crib. Dude get to the windows to the living room where I'm at, looks dead at me, lets out an "oh shit!" and runs off. I get up and go out the door only to see that he was down the block and Amazon had delivered my Prime Day order. A quick check of the door camera and less than 2 minutes before dude came up the ramp, Amazon had dropped off the packages. Unless I know you, or you're some kinda delivery person, there's no good reason to even be on that ramp or the front porch.

My assumption: He thought he was finna hit a lick, got busted and ran off. Lil nigga can't be more than 14. I got video footage of him and stills clearly showing his face. One part of me wants to kinda let it go: I caught his ass, he knows he's been seen, and the likelihood of him trying this shit again at my crib is low as hell. The other part of me wants to either jump in the ride and find him and let his parents know what he did (with video evidence) or take it to the front office (they seem to know all the kids around here and who their parents are), show 'em the video, and let them handle it how they want. The petty part of me wants to put the video up on Ring Neighborhood on some "Attempted package theft" shits and leave it like that.

What would y'all do?

oh yeah, the crazy shit is what was delivered was another camera that I'm putting up to help watch the front of the porch.


That's a very interesting glimpse in your life.

Personally, I would've just brought it to his fam (if possible) since you didn't catch him. Wouldn't report it to law enforcement or nothing.

Years ago, I was at my spot and left my car parked right in front of my house and had da windows down. Not a bad neighborhood or da projects so no worries. Some young whippasnappa came by and was actually looking/peeking in my whip. My fam saw him and yelled at him about what he tryna do and he walked off very quick. They told me about it and which way he went and I drove after dude. Caught him. Looked him dead in his eyes still w/ my windows down and asked him "what's up?" Dat youngin' was just reachin for a lie. Just looking him dead in his eyes while he tryna cook up a lie was satisfyiing enough for me. I figured I just marked my territory and sometimes you gotta do dat.
And maybe once he broke in, he was gonna murder @konceptjones with a bow and arrow, take a shit on the living room floor, piss in the urn with his mom’s ashes, and snatch the package on the way out.
