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COMMUNITY Social Justice Thread: R.I.P. George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor & now Tyre Nichols


In my opinion that means she should have known better

Our sister should have understood when a black person calls 911 there's a 51.7% chance they'll get shot. She should have recognized when those race soldiers invited themselves in her house that she became their target. She should have declined. Then she started kee keeing with them when she should have kindly asked them to leave, instead they started giving her directions

That was 2 armed white men. I wish our sister would have cut their visit short
But when I turn on my TV or when I watch a movie all I see is white men that look like Sean Grayson and black women that look like Massey in harmony together

The propaganda is working
They finally aired a story on the Today show about Sonya’s murder. She seemed to have some mental health issues and I think her family even said as such.

We need mental health crisis responders that police are forced to call when they encounter someone like this. Won’t outright stop a dickhead racist cop if they’re intent on killing, but it might give some pause and save a life.