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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

I'm just glad I didn't get hustled🤷🏽‍♂️
Man I've always said that people should come to their own conclusion. I wasn't pro-this or anti-that, but to this day I'm not a fan of how much pressure they came at everyone with. Like it was a "life or death" thing or something. I didn't like that. For that reason alone, I almost was about to go anti-vax, but I rationalized and weighed the possibilities, then when I came to the conclusion that I didn't absolutely need it I still decided to take it, "just in case" or for extra immunity lol. I'm fine with it though, I prayed on it and left the rest to the Man. I never followed up with all the extra boosters though. As long as I got a little bit of immunity.
Don't really care what these guys are saying. Since the pandemic started most masks we were getting access to were bullshit. Common sense should lead anyone there.

I was stealing my masks from the hospital since I was in that bitch. Still got a couple boxes.
I remember the bars when masks were required.

Keep it on at all times unless you're at your table. Nevermind ppl handing over plates, drinks, touching bathroom doors, etc while we keep adjusting our masks.

But churches had to stay closed.

Such a clown show 🤣