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Why Women Make Good Guys Wait and Other Guys Hit Quick

Homegirl's logic may actually be backed by science...

Does sex make men fall in love?​

A common misconception is that men fall in love in the bedroom, but Maslar believes that some men may lose interest if sex happens too quickly.

A woman may bond more closely to a man after sex in the early dating stages, but the man won’t necessarily reciprocate those feelings right away. Here’s why:

  • A man’s dopamine and vasopressin increase when they’re dating a woman, enjoying it, and is sexually interested in them. But their vasopressin drops when they have sex with a woman.
  • A woman’s dopamine and oxytocin will also gradually increase if they’re enjoying dating a man and are sexually interested in them. However, the difference is that women’s oxytocin rises considerably when they orgasm.

The Coolidge effect​

It’s believed that the Coolidge effect can sometimes come into play when sex happens quickly.

The Coolidge effect is a biological phenomenon observed in animals whereby males progressively lose interest in mating with the same female yet have heightened sexual interest in new females.

Maslar explains that when a man first starts dating, they’re very excited, and their dopamine and vasopressin go up. But if they satiated sexually too quickly, they drop back down. Therefore, a man may lose interest, pursue other women, and not be around long enough to fall in love.

However, it’s also important to note that this isn’t always the case, and men can still fall in love with women they have sex with early in the relationship. Still, couples need to be careful not to confuse the exhilarating feeling of lust for love to avoid trouble later down the road.

Why commitment could be the key to love for men​

Studies show that men in committed romantic relationships have 21% lower testosterone than men who are not. That means when a man commits, their testosterone will no longer be blocking the bonding hormone oxytocin, helping them fall in love and develop a long-term bond.

The study also showed that marriage isn’t a defining factor, as both married and unmarried men can be in committed relationships and experience lower testosterone.

When a man’s testosterone drops after committing to someone, it doesn’t mean they will experience diminished sex drive. But they should lose interest in pursuing sex from other women.

I get the logic, but it only works if everything is kept separate. Good guy isn't gonna see waiting as a desirable trait in the woman if he's the only one that had to wait.

She showed how much work the pussy costs by the dudes she gave it to already. Good guy isn't gonna wanna pay more. And he's not gonna wanna be the one getting clowned for putting in extra work for it.

Look at it like this. Let's say you're buying a shirt that's worth $40. As you're checking out the 3 people in front of you all get that shirt, but they only get charged $10. Then when it's your turn, they charge you $40. You're gonna feel some kinda way, and not want to pay $40 anymore. But if you never saw them you'd have no problem with paying $40.

Thats y'alls job ladies. If you give it away for cheap, don't let the other customers know, and everybody's happy. Hoe on the low.