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FEATURED Ryan Garcia Expelled By WBC For Anti-Black Comments

Did Shakur and Tank and Haney and the rest of them say anything?

As for Ryan I am not shocked. He was taking pics with Trump and cozying up with the alt right trolls for a minute. Fuck him, he should be ostracized from boxing and never be allowed back in, unless goofy ass Logan Paul put him on his boxing cards.
Did Shakur and Tank and Haney and the rest of them say anything?

As for Ryan I am not shocked. He was taking pics with Trump and cozying up with the alt right trolls for a minute. Fuck him, he should be ostracized from boxing and never be allowed back in, unless goofy ass Logan Paul put him on his boxing cards.
Or Dana White
Bcuz he's a prize fighter who fights for money. Not for free. This ain't fetish world where we can just make people get their ass whooped for free. But it is a business world whether we can stop you from making money.

You right, but Ryan is a clown and a lunatic. His dumb ass would probably go for it.
At the end of the day, banning Ryan won't teach him shit. He's going to do a song and dance and worm his way back into something. That's how it always goes. At the end of the day, whenever he gets back into the ring, the black boxers need to make it a mission to punish his ass.

Black dudes been good to him. Through all his bullshit, there have always been black dudes in his corner. He gotta pay the piper.
At the end of the day, banning Ryan won't teach him shit. He's going to do a song and dance and worm his way back into something. That's how it always goes. At the end of the day, whenever he gets back into the ring, the black boxers need to make it a mission to punish his ass.

Black dudes been good to him. Through all his bullshit, there have always been black dudes in his corner. He gotta pay the piper.
Then let him go make his song ever there ——->

He took a beating against Davis and made 30 million

I don’t think he learning much of a lesson on his way to the bank
If Garcia is gonna claim mental health reasons then boxing should use those same reasons for not letting him box anymore. Why allow a boxer to continue to fight if he has brain damage or mental issues? It's in his and the sport's best interest, right?

At the end of the day, banning Ryan won't teach him shit. He's going to do a song and dance and worm his way back into something. That's how it always goes. At the end of the day, whenever he gets back into the ring, the black boxers need to make it a mission to punish his ass.

Black dudes been good to him. Through all his bullshit, there have always been black dudes in his corner. He gotta pay the piper.
I didn't give a shit about him learning a lesson...

He can hate blacks and feel he's right until the day he dies...

But I do not want him to make one fucking dollar of profit on this industry on the way to that slow hopeless death. I hope the entire boxing community turns their backs on him and offer him no support or any assistance back into anything. Let him live with his quality of life suffered for his choices.

He ain't gotta learn shit...I hope he dies miserable still thinking he's right.. That's a very unpeaceful death... Fuck a lesson... Just suffer
Lol you making memes now? This a new personality trait for you? But still no bitches
I'm not trying to derail so don't reply

Yes I'm making memes to show that my stalker who been OBSESSED with me for 7 years is visibly the stupidest poster on abw

That wasn't a typo, that was a retardo

You're probably wearing a bib right now

50% of the posts you make on this site revolve around ME but you can't be bothered to proofread

You're a 40 year old man and a father

Do better.