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Less Babies Are Being Born: Good or Bad?

I'm no conspiracy theorist, but it's interesting that this is an on coming issue and governments are banning abortion and trying to work towards making birth control illegal....
Them yt births are down
...I never said that aren't other species that are sentient.

Let's put it this way:

Lions don't need psychologists or priests. They are perfectly content in their lion-being.

What makes human beings different is our ability to create values and narratives about our lives, which leads to contradictory beliefs and actions.

When you eat more than you need. Buy what you can't afford. Kill off ecosystems for people not even born yet. Spend more time at work instead of in leisure.

That's not normal self-preservation. It's cancerous replication.

And if we cull deer and moose to maintain habitats.

Something needs to cull us.
I have thought about this idea as well and it's very hard to not see humans as a virus with our natural inclination to build and destroy while replicating. All of the things that culture consists of can be seen as byproducts of a virus or a parasite. I lean towards the parasite idea because not all cultures in history were/are violent.

A large part of who is left on this planet has to do with who was the most and least violent. Some cultures have been wiped out without the opposition breaking a sweat because the disadvantages in weaponry or even the lack of instinct to be violent . So I wonder if maybe a parasite inhabited some people long ago leading to the farming of the population through advances in agriculture and procreation with the end game being to siphon the Earth until the resources are drained.
Yes in Canada. Landfills and incinerated.

I don't know the numbers but I doubt more than 5% of the trash and recycling in the country is being sent to another country.
Cool thank you

This wasn't a gotcha but landfills are destroying the environment and a lot of things we once believed to be true about recycling have been proven false and the effort it takes to "recycle" some of the things they do is on par with just burning the shit flat out. We don't need any other people just adding to that problem

I remember reports during covid that said the ozone had healed parts of itself cause people weren't out driving, factories had been shut down, etc...

That didn't last long once shit opened back up

We very much have a resource problem hence the need to make so much artificial shit with preservatives or injecting animals with hormones to keep them growing to keep up with the demand of people

The list goes on and on and this doesn't even begin to add in that people are responsible af and really do not take being a parent serious so that just compounds an already difficult issue there
There is no path forward where growth slows down and we suddenly as a whole become more conscious about how we use resources. Humans cant prioritize next week over today, no way we prioritize 100 years from now over today.

The only option and realistic path forward for humanity is becoming a spacefaring civilization. We gon need to start farming asteroids and nearby planets from resources.

either we get there before we destroy ourselves, or we go extinct like the majority of intelligent life is theorized to do.

This is what is called the Great Filter, and imo, its the best theory as to why we cant find intelligent life.

Its cause life gets to the point humanity is at and destroys itself before it can get to the point of getting resources from outside their planet
I don't advocate for anyone needing to go unless it's rapists, ppl who harm the innocent, and folks who are making a left turn without using their signal
While I understand his sentiment, the 1% simply have not done their share. They've hoarded access to resources and abused the 99%
Fake Water Crisis.PNG

Oh, I been ready for these water crisis wolf tickets too.

So for you people who believe in this dramatic climate crisis..... Exactly when were you all gonna tell us about the privatization of water and spill the details?? When I come back next week, I'll have more pics. You all got some explaining to do. You people normally get up and just walk off when these facts come out.

ABW Water Privatization 1.PNG
Neutral. Population, whether it's over or under, isn't really an issue. It's the allocation of resources. If we got the same 50 ppl hoarding all the wealth and land it wouldn't matter what the population size was.
Not to be pedantic but can someone please edit the title to say "fewer" instead of "less"? It's a pet peeve.
The funny shit is, after years of conspiracies to they want to cut the population, now we have conspiracies that they want to increase population.
they want to increase the white population. Especially statiscally more white women are having abortions moreso than any other race. The whites are scared that they're fading away, which they are