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Artists you blocked on streaming apps 🚫

Why does it matter if Summer wanted a white or gay assistant?

The whole rest of her staff is black. and actually she didn't say no black assistant,she said white or gay

So it could be a gay black dude.

was you trying out for the job?

who gives a fuck?

Summer music is super fire

You missing out over nothing
Nah. Ask HER why it matters he's white. She's a black woman making black music, you don't textualize your desire for white people to your predominantly black audience. Had she just DONE IT without saying shit there'd be no issue, but you not gone coon/self hate in my face and expect my support. I have zero tolerance for white asskissing/pandering. Its what negroes do best. Its disgusting.

I give a fuck cuz not enough of yall do, so I gotta overcompensate

Sevyn Streeter makes FIRE ass music, im good

You don't belong here Jermaine. You went far out of your way to get here. 🚫🙀

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ThatMexicanOT: 🚫 THIS is why I blocked him 6 months ago

I blocked him because of his name. Not because he's Mexican but because he put the word Mexican in his rap name. It just triggered me wrong. Coming from the Bay Area independent scene I can tell you that Mexican rappers are very entitled on top of being talentless. And there's not a natural camaraderie like Puerto Ricans on the East Coast have with black people. Out here Mexicans in black spaces are just awkward. Straight up wannabes, tag alongs and mimics. They don't bring shit to the table but they want to eat from it, so yea 🌮🌯
I haven't blocked anyone, but if I can figure out how to do it, it would be Logic.
If it was something that you really had to do on Tidal you just play a song from a similar artists and eventually logic will come up on random and you can block them from there. Like if you wanted to block Styles P just play a Jadakiss song and Styles will come eventually
That's the only way? Damn🤦🏾‍♂️ I need to block sexy red but don't even want to search similar artist lol
Yeah I figured they don't want it to be that convenient for people to block, so you have to stumble upon them. You can't go looking for them to block them. I kinda get it
ThatMexicanOT: 🚫 THIS is why I blocked him 6 months ago

I blocked him because of his name. Not because he's Mexican but because he put the word Mexican in his rap name. It just triggered me wrong. Coming from the Bay Area independent scene I can tell you that Mexican rappers are very entitled on top of being talentless. And there's not a natural camaraderie like Puerto Ricans on the East Coast have with black people. Out here Mexicans in black spaces are just awkward. Straight up wannabes, tag alongs and mimics. They don't bring shit to the table but they want to eat from it, so yea 🌮🌯

That shit was fuckin weird
Muhfucka had no idea wtf they were talking about but just knew they were under represented. None of them shoulda been there in the first place. Fuck em
MC Shan 🚫

Minutes ago after my diss song playlist finished it randomly played a MC Shan song. Last year Shan disrespected Nas and guilted him into letting him perform in a very ugly way. Now he's helping folk spread misinformation about the origins of Hip Hop. His toothless lies will not be rewarded by my streams. Blocked 🦷