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Added to Calendar: 06-04-24

Yeh, I'm done with this shitshow. If it wasn't for She-Hulk this would be the dumbest show I've seen in years.

Episode 3 spent 30 minutes focusing in on the most boring, non-descript characters I've ever seen in Star Wars. Of course it had to be an all women coven of witches because KK is still running things. But they didn't even make them interesting like the Nightsisters were. Just a poorly written Lifetime movie drama in space is all I got. Then you had the two kid actors who can't act, and the shit writing they were given.

I could go into how stupid it is to have the Jedi going to a random planet looking for jedi kids in a lesbianic coven, but what's the point? I could point out how no backstory was given. Or how no real motivation for Osha to leave her damn family for jedis she just met was given. Maybe bring up the bad dialogue and zero action. But again, what's the point. All I known is I was rooting for May when she lit that shit on fire. I actually felt connected for once in this show. Like May heard my thoughts and was like it's time to burn all of this shit down. So in that way I was at least satisfied with the ending.

HotD and The Boys are starting up, so can't waste anymore time on this. Not like it's real Star Wars anymore as it is, they've done nothing but try to destroy the lore. It's just the showrunners fanfiction now

I’ve noticed something with this and She-hulk…. a lot of y’all either don’t know or are fine with bad writing.

I been said it about folks on here. This is why discourse is so trash in this country/world

when it comes to sony yall all know where im at wit it and why im on that typa time with them and the hate aint just cuz it involves women or people of color.

I come in there.. shit on it when its terrible.. have a couple laughs about it and keep it movin.

Yall can try to act like its the same shit but it aint..

Fuck sony pictures 🤣
Oh no an all women faction, y'all must have hated the Dathomir witches
I literally mention them in my post lol. They made witches boring as fuck on the show. Nevermind that KK is always pushing way too hard to make them the leader of everything. Even women don't buy into it, which is why 70% of the viewers of this shitshow are men.
I been said it about folks on here. This is why discourse is so trash in this country/world
Yep, that's my #1 issue, the writing is fanfiction level. Hell, the writing in everything outside of Mando S1/2 and Andor has been poor since Disney took over.

It's my same issue with Rings of Power. Meanwhile House of the Dragons actually improved on the source material, and it's a hit because of that.
when it comes to sony yall all know where im at wit it and why im on that typa time with them and the hate aint just cuz it involves women or people of color.

I come in there.. shit on it when its terrible.. have a couple laughs about it and keep it movin.

Yall can try to act like its the same shit but it aint..

Fuck sony pictures
My man came in here like Chris Brousard... 10 toes down

Episode 3 definitely had some cheesy moments
from the chanting to the twins being ultra obnoxious.
Mae wants revenge against the 4 Jedi because her "family" was killed by a fire she started to kill her sister? I guess she rationalized it as a cause and effect factor. The Jedi came to my home ,wanted to train my sister, which angered me so yeah its their fault (?!?)
All of that being said the episode opens some interesting ideas about the Force and Force sensitive beings. How many use it and aren't Jedi or Sith? Did the Witches really die from the explosion or fire? Doesnt explain the Jedi ULTRA guilt
Now i want to know if there are any books or any type of story in which a Force sensitive being used the Force for their own personal gain and didnt care to be a Jedi or Sith and rejected both groups.
I hear episode 4 is much better looking forward to it.
Episode 3 definitely had some cheesy moments
from the chanting to the twins being ultra obnoxious.
Mae wants revenge against the 4 Jedi because her "family" was killed by a fire she started to kill her sister? I guess she rationalized it as a cause and effect factor. The Jedi came to my home ,wanted to train my sister, which angered me so yeah its their fault (?!?)
All of that being said the episode opens some interesting ideas about the Force and Force sensitive beings. How many use it and aren't Jedi or Sith? Did the Witches really die from the explosion or fire? Doesnt explain the Jedi ULTRA guilt
Now i want to know if there are any books or any type of story in which a Force sensitive being used the Force for their own personal gain and didnt care to be a Jedi or Sith and rejected both groups.
I hear episode 4 is much better looking forward to it.
This was my thoughts exactly. They could've chopped this up in flashbacks. Those little girls acting was terrible especially when OSHA was on the ship with sol after her home got burned down. They was wasting time on this bullshit that we already knew happened I'm like " "bitch don't you have a wookie to kill?" Instead we got 40 minutes of the terrible twins fighting each other and withches throwing force ha do kens at each other.
You're never gonna beat the allegations lol. A tweet from an alt-right bitch. She wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire
Translation:"waaah! Waaah! The fat faggot won't let us enjoy things waaah!" There there... Now run along and go play ya little doofball Disney shill. Lol


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Star wars is wild and crazy galaxy with all sorts of different force aspects. I'm thinking its playing a role in Darth Plagueis pursuit of midichlorian manipulation
I do agree that the kid actors left a lot to be desired lol but I thought Jodie was definitely a bright spot


