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Gavin Newsom vs Ron Desantis Debate

The big franchises, for the most part, are gonna weather whatever storm thrown their way. They can afford automation if they have to.

The small businesses and franchisees are the first to go, farther shrinking the middle class. A lot of these small businesses already struggled to survive the covid lockdowns.
The big franchises, for the most part, are gonna weather whatever storm thrown their way. They can afford automation if they have to.

The small businesses and franchisees are the first to go, farther shrinking the middle class. A lot of these small businesses already struggled to survive the covid lockdowns.
Yup. I don't think people realize how many people automation and ai are gonna get out the paint. Middle class is gonna get obliterated.
The big franchises, for the most part, are gonna weather whatever storm thrown their way. They can afford automation if they have to.

The small businesses and franchisees are the first to go, farther shrinking the middle class. A lot of these small businesses already struggled to survive the covid lockdowns.

Yup. I don't think people realize how many people automation and ai are gonna get out the paint. Middle class is gonna get obliterated.

bring on that universal basic income!

Caught this months back when it dropped.

Seen some interviews of the ppl gettin' fired. My only hope is that they stay in Cali and don't move out of that state. Idgaf about all that tbh.
That's insane
That's why I can't have any sympathy for businesses that don't want to pay higher wages. $20 is still too low in California. It makes no sense that if a person has two jobs they are still struggling to make ends meet.

I can't speak on other states, but in Cali most people are either:

- On welfare entirely with no income or unreported income.
- making too little money to even try to save, but getting by with welfare.
- Making just enough that they can't afford most public aid, so they struggle. One missed/misused paycheck puts them in a hole.
- Making low six figures, enough to not worry if they don't live above their means, but probably doesn't have much savings, if any.
- Mid six figures is where I would say a middle class can exist. Enough to save, occasional vacation, own their home, maintain their car...

- After that is the working rich. They may have a million, but that's not much in Cali, so a smart person tries to grow that, so essentially they don't have it to spend, but invest their way from being at risk of truly being middle class.

- Then their are the politicians. Money is not a factor here, because they work for the next group.

- Motherfuckers. They are actually rich and tell politicians what to do and if they get to keep doing politics.
That's why I can't have any sympathy for businesses that don't want to pay higher wages. $20 is still too low in California. It makes no sense that if a person has two jobs they are still struggling to make ends meet.
Minimum wages aren't meant to be living wages. Raising it beyond a reasonable rate, only hurts low-income workers(they lose their jobs). High min wages has never worked anywhere, and the people who push it are almost always economically illiterate or flatout not looking in people's best interests.

What people need are better mid-level jobs, and that goes back to outsourcing to other countries where corporations can use slave wage labor. Makes no sense why we allow it, but that's the game of global corps. They get the benefit of being based here, but use labor in countries where protections aren't in place.

AI will only make this worse.
That's why I can't have any sympathy for businesses that don't want to pay higher wages. $20 is still too low in California. It makes no sense that if a person has two jobs they are still struggling to make ends meet.

I can't speak on other states, but in Cali most people are either:

- On welfare entirely with no income or unreported income.
- making too little money to even try to save, but getting by with welfare.
- Making just enough that they can't afford most public aid, so they struggle. One missed/misused paycheck puts them in a hole.
- Making low six figures, enough to not worry if they don't live above their means, but probably doesn't have much savings, if any.
- Mid six figures is where I would say a middle class can exist. Enough to save, occasional vacation, own their home, maintain their car...

- After that is the working rich. They may have a million, but that's not much in Cali, so a smart person tries to grow that, so essentially they don't have it to spend, but invest their way from being at risk of truly being middle class.

- Then their are the politicians. Money is not a factor here, because they work for the next group.

- Motherfuckers. They are actually rich and tell politicians what to do and if they get to keep doing politics.
My issue is raising the minimum wage hurts the middle class more. The small business owners close, more wage workers in big companies get laid off.

The big businesses actually benefit from this bc less competition.
Let me clarify ppl do need to get paid more bc inflation/cost of living is outpacing wages in a dangerous way. I just think raising min wage, ALONE, in the long run does more harm if it's not maybe coupled with other policies.
My issue is raising the minimum wage hurts the middle class more. The small business owners close, more wage workers in big companies get laid off.

The big businesses actually benefit from this bc less competition.
You're right. It does suck for the small business because many of them are barely in the six figures. It's a nasty cycle of the wealthy watching everyone fight over crumbs. But everyone is looking out for themselves right now so we aren't collectively fighting for change.