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OPINION What’s your Most Controversial Opinion?

The point of it is very specifically against treating issues as individual or in isolation. It directly opposes addressing axises of oppression in isolation. That is directly from the horse's mouth. That is wholly different from the very real thing, that predates all of this nonsense, of acknowledging that we have our separate, unique experiences with the struggle. We do not, and have never, needed Intersectionality for that. Intersectionality is the exact opposite of finding solutions, it's the creation of problems. There isn't an ability to find a solution for a group when the individual is meant to be, fundamentally, unique and distinguishable from it. It manifests as hierarchical and creates friction thereby denying all efforts to generate consensus.

the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage.
"through an awareness of intersectionality, we can better acknowledge and ground the differences among us"

That is the literal definition of intersectionality. Whatever you're talking about vs what it actually is are two different things. People are people and there will always be some who fuck the concept of something up. But that doesn't change what the actual concept and idea is just because some misconstrue it. You're speaking to the perceived. And sadly...some do need it in order to see that Black men and Black women have specific things that affect us in different ways with the same results.
the interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, and gender as they apply to a given individual or group, regarded as creating overlapping and interdependent systems of discrimination or disadvantage.
"through an awareness of intersectionality, we can better acknowledge and ground the differences among us"

That is the literal definition of intersectionality. Whatever you're talking about vs what it actually is are two different things. People are people and there will always be some who fuck the concept of something up. But that doesn't change what the actual concept and idea is just because some misconstrue it. You're speaking to the perceived pov vs what it actually is.

Kimerble Crenshaw. That's who it's from. There is no single opressional angle to be addressed, that's actually what she deems the problem. It is insufficient, in her words. It's a Venn diagram. It is in the name, "Intersectionality". I'm speaking exactly to what it is and how it manifests with respect to the black community and the black struggle. You want it to be benevolent so every negative manifestation of it, you call a misconstrual. What I am saying is it is flawed, non-functional, and used as a weapon against us.

In this talk, I want to examine how this tendency is perpetuated by a single-axis framework that is dominant in antidiscrimination law and that is also reflected in feminist theory and antiracist politics.

I am not speaking to any POV, I am speaking to their words. The problem is not people misinterpreting it, they aren't. They are doing exactly what it calls for and the natural results are a hierarchical structure of oppression whereby black people are separated and, as humans do, tribalism occurs and they stand against one another.

Whoever that "some" is that you are referring to should not be the impetus for the entire community to be subjected to this.
Kimerble Crenshaw. That's who it's from. There is no single opressional angle to be addressed, that's actually what she deems the problem. It is insufficient, in her words. It's a Venn diagram. It is in the name, "Intersectionality". I'm speaking exactly to what it is and how it manifests with respect to the black community and the black struggle. You want it to be benevolent so every negative manifestation of it, you call a misconstrual. What I am saying is it is flawed, non-functional, and used as a weapon against us.

I am not speaking to any POV, I am speaking to their words. The problem is not people misinterpreting it, they aren't. They are doing exactly what it calls for and the natural results are a hierarchical structure of oppression whereby black people are separated and, as humans do, tribalism occurs and they stand against one another.

Whoever that "some" is that you are referring to should not be the impetus for the entire community to be subjected to this.

That quote doesn't expand on anything other than a clipped statement from what's clearly a larger piece. I know how some people use the term and actions of intersectionality. What I'm saying is denying and/or downplaying it's existence and real world consequences serves nobody and only hurts us more.
There was no good side in ww1 or ww2. Just evil. All these governments were fighting to be the worst of the worst and the power that comes with that. A clash of villains.
This thread has definitely shown there's clearly such a thing as a stupid ass opinion because some of these posts are just dumb
That quote doesn't expand on anything other than a clipped statement from what's clearly a larger piece. I know how some people use the term and actions of intersectionality. What I'm saying is denying and/or downplaying it's existence and real world consequences serves nobody and only hurts us more.

It is her thesis? lol. I am rejecting the theoretical social framework as presented by Kimberle Crenshaw, I am not denying the existence of different types of struggle. The latter is a cold hard fact that has never been up for debate, the former is a poor forgery of the work done by the Combahee River Collective. I implore you to realize the mistake you are making in treating them as one.
That whole vote like black women ,listen is an effective tool in drawing a line betwen black men and women when we vote in lockstep give or takea few percentage point

How ever they cook it up its made to cause stratification it works for a number of reasons
There was no good side in ww1 or ww2. Just evil. All these governments were fighting to be the worst of the worst and the power that comes with that. A clash of villains.

Idk bout that I mean clearly the Nazis were wildlin. But western powers trying to keep their colonies after WW2 made me realize they were extremely trash too. France was trying to hood in to North Africa and England and India.
I don’t think this is controversial but folks like Charelston white and shit. The black folks who think tearing us down openly is gonna wake people up and want to do better are some of the worst.

They say it’s being real and niggas ingest the nonsense.
Idk bout that I mean clearly the Nazis were wildlin. But western powers trying to keep their colonies after WW2 made me realize they were extremely trash too. France was trying to hood in to North Africa and England and India.

Yep. France did, and with our help no less. The CFA Franc is quintessential neo-colonialism.

The black folks who think tearing us down openly is gonna wake people up and want to do better are some of the worst.
