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Louisiana Criminals Will Now Have To Serve Every Year, No More Parole


Kobe With The Pivot
Site Owner
During Louisiana’s two-week-long special session, lawmakers spent a portion of that time debating sweeping changes that could determine how long certain incarcerated people remain in prison and when, or if, they would be allowed a second chance at freedom.

One bill, signed by Landry Tuesday, effectively eliminates parole for anyone convicted after Aug. 1, with few exceptions — including groups for whom it is constitutionally required, such as those who were sentenced to life terms as juveniles. The governor also approved a measure that reduces the amount of “good time credit” that prisoners can accumulate to shave time off their sentence.

upporters say the new laws will reduce instances of inmates only serving a “fraction of their sentence” and, hopefully, decrease recidivism. Critics say the legislation won’t deter crime, will cost the state millions as it continues to house inmates who could be paroled, and could create less incentive for good behavior and involvement in programs designed to help former inmates succeed in the outside world.

Landry also signed a bill allowing residents 18 and older to carry a concealed handgun without a permit. The law will go into effect July 4.

Among legislation awaiting Landry’s approval are proposals to increase the penalty for carjackings, treating 17-year-olds who commit a crime as adults and publishing court minutes for youth accused of violent crimes. A second signing ceremony is scheduled to occur Wednesday afternoon.

Spurred by violent crime plaguing urban areas in the state, Louisiana’s debates during the special session echo conversations happening in statehouses across the country — including over how long someone should go to prison, how to handle juvenile offenders and if and when those incarcerated deserve a second chance.

.. and they just changed the gun law a couple months ago

Oof, that's rough.

Not sure how I feel about it yet. I'm tired of criminal mfers making life hard for normal folk but is this really going to make a difference? I mean, maybe I'm fine with it for violent crimes but for non-violent? I'm not so sure.
So basically, prisons paid off lawmakers to keep them super full and profitable.

But the fake tough on crime rhetoric always works. No matter the facts, some how crime is always outa control and the only way to get it under control is to have more prisons and prison time. The target demo will eat it up.
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I'm getting sadder by the day

Just read another article that we rank dead last in I think healthcare