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OJ Simpson dead at 76

Even a juror came out and said they all thought he was guilty but they went w not guilty to get payback for Rodney King. Is she lying??

I ain’t even mad he wasn’t found guilty. I actually liked the dude. I’m just into facts not delusions. 🤷‍♂️

I think Casey Anthony is guilty of murdering her daughter but I ain’t mad she wasn’t found guilty.

Everyone faces the last judgement. I have no reason to be mad.
Hey ham and eggers

Here's a Caucasian resident of Los Angeles saying everything I've saying about the murders being DRUG HITS, including Nicole Simpson's other friends who got murdered

Maybe now you'll stop being so willfully ignorant.. maybe

Here are more Caucasians talking about Nicole's murdered friends and their connection to drugs

We have a total of four dead cokeheads

Feel free to ignore this and point fingers at the 47-year-old arthritic man because white media says so

None of that is evidence just theories. There is a reason Judge Ito dismissed it. This is a judge that allowed all kinds of irrelevant testimony and witnesses in the case, so if he thought it was bullshit says a lot.

O.J. won. He lived. He died. End of the story.

24 Aug 1995) English/NatA witness at the OJ Simpson murder trial has suggested that two people could have taken part in the killings. Forensic scientist Doctor Henry Lee also accused Los Angeles police technicians of shoddy work. The defence called internationally known forensic scientist Dr. Henry Lee to the stand on Wednesday.Lee used photos and other evidence to show that some Los Angeles police procedures were less than acceptable.In one instance Lee detailed how a bloody envelope holding a pair of prescription sunglasses found at the crime scene, was in two different positions the morning after the slain bodies of Ronald Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson were found. SOUNDBITE: "The envelope was moved since the first picture to the second picture."SUPERCAPTION: Dr. Henry Lee.The envelope contained a pair of sunglasses Ronald Goldman was returning to Nicole Brown Simpson.Lee then suggested that a fierce prolonged battle between Goldman and his attacker or attackers took place. The prosecution claim that Goldman was swiftly killed by Simpson alone.Defence lawyer Barry Scheck further elicited from Lee that cross-contamination of evidence could have been caused by police technicians smearing blood on the envelope. SOUNDBITE: "So would this mere image pattern with someone folding or manipulating this envelope while the blood depicted in one B is still wet.Goldberg: "Objection."Ito: "Overruled."Lee: "Yes it is consistent with it." SUPERCAPTIONBarry Scheck, Defence LawyerHank Goldberg: Prosecutor.Judge Lance Ito. Dr. Henry Lee, Witness.A "mysterious imprint" was depicted suggesting that evidence technicians may have handled the envelope without wearing gloves. SOUNDBITE: "All I can report to you is consistent with an imprint pattern I can't definitely tell you this is a finger print."SUPERCAPTION: Dr. Henry Lee.Lee testified that imprints were found on other critical murder scene evidence and they do not match that of the size 12 Bruno Magli shoe that prosecutors say Simpson wore to murder his wife.SOUNDBITE: "Could it be a Bruno Magli shoe."Lee: "No."Scheck: "It would be some other type of shoe."Lee: "If this is a shoe it print it is a different type of design of the Bruno Magli." SUPERCAPTION:Barry Scheck, Defence LawyerDr. Henry Lee, Witness.Scheck moved on to the bloody socks taken from Simpson's bedroom the day after the murders. Lee said one blood stain could have only got on the socks while they were lying flat.The defence has contended their was never any blood present on the socks when they were removed from the defendant's bedroom. Simpson's lawyer's claim the bloody evidence was planted by the police.

Dont kno how u can be 100% sure of anything.

But if you say so

Mark Fuhrman's testimony............mainly him taking the 5th when asked whether or not he planted evidence...........was more than enough to establish reasonable doubt

Once that happened, the case should've been thrown out and all charges dismissed.

Think about it.

Why did he plead the 5th?

It's more than about incriminating himself.

He could've easily said that he didn't plant evidence.

So why didn't he?

He didn't do it because he knew there was a good chance that it could be proven that he did plant evidence.

So, if it could be proven that Fuhrman planted evidence, the trial should've ended right then and there.
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I was like 9 when the murder happened so it wasn't until i was an adult that I started learning more about the case.

Public consensus and ignorance had me blindly going along w "he got away w murder"

When I learned more I lean much more strongly toward innocent. With no evidence for or against, saying he committed a murder is as much a conspiracy theory as those saying it was mobsters or hitmen. Same category.

What is facts is the authority is crooked af and deserved much more criticism in the mainstream than they got.
Oh and another thing. It's ironic af that when something like a Zimmerman happens ppl quick to say "the court said he was innocent get over it" but they still bringing up OJ "got away w murder" decades later in the same convos.