Welcome To aBlackWeb

Did The App Hurt or Help?

I mean I get the business decision ( Every entity seems to have one)
Why should BR be different…

I subscribed because I love the culture it’s really that simple 🤷🏾‍♂️

Covid years were instrumental as well

Saying an App ruined BR is crazy to me

A lot of bum niggas exposing themselves mentally and financially
I was having this convo yesterday,someone said the beginning of the end was when battlers started talking publicly about how much they got paid. Dudes be demanding 100K and then come to the battle drunk/high,forgetting their rounds SMH.
I mean I get the business decision ( Every entity seems to have one)
Why should BR be different…

I subscribed because I love the culture it’s really that simple 🤷🏾‍♂️

Covid years were instrumental as well

Saying an App ruined BR is crazy to me

A lot of bum niggas exposing themselves mentally and financially
I don't think it's crazy when you look at how unstable the platform is. You pay for the app and it's crashing or constantly wigging out. People can't help but compare it to the stability of the YouTube platform. Loving the culture and not wanting to spend money on inferior platform is not broke behavior. I been here on all levels and will still be, but I'm not going to act like the apps ain't some bullshit (Caffeine, URL's own, etc).
I was having this convo yesterday,someone said the beginning of the end was when battlers started talking publicly about how much they got paid. Dudes be demanding 100K and then come to the battle drunk/high,forgetting their rounds SMH.
I'll add to this: league owners running it with the same behavior as their battlers is part of it too. YouTube URL presented a polished product: they edited the footage, cleaned it up, and made it watchable by condensing 3 or 4 hours of fuckery into what you came for which is the battles. Watching the stuff live where it's all these delays and all this extra shit happening in between because X,Y,Z is ass. I know there's someone out their pining for the chance to watch a movie raw before post production, but I'm not that person. App and live battle rap is like watching a movie come together, waiting for the actors to hit the stage, prop guys move pieces, sound guys adjust harmonics, and then the actors rehearse AND then perform.

Fuck all that. Clean that shit up in post-production and present a product. That's why people keep saying it ain't like YouTube: App/Live is unstable and buggy. YouTube is the superior presentation of the art.