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Recent content by footlong

  1. footlong

    NSFW Mega Thread!!!!! Come see all your favorite girls.. Any requests made in here = BAN. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

    it has nothing to with people who leak their shit it's all because of the simps. These hoes just keep pushing the limit and testing how far simps willing to go. Why fix something that isn't broken? they see that they can milk the same simp 3x times why not secure the bag? the game is the game...
  2. footlong

    NSFW Mega Thread!!!!! Come see all your favorite girls.. Any requests made in here = BAN. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

    you're unemployed and your worry is not being able subbing to a onlyfans? my guy you got your priorities all fucked up
  3. footlong

    NSFW Gemstar

    nigga not realizing it's probably a guy that's doing all the work of replying :pause:
  4. footlong

    COMMUNITY Women can be pedophiles too- Official "Teacher assaults student" thread v2

    it's a heavy double standard but when i was in highschool i wish of teachers gave me the look to smash cause goddamn they were fine
  5. footlong

    PLAYSTATION PlayStation 5

    earliest that we get a restock here is mid-feb and that is if you pre-ordered in nov/dec next batch is march FUCK THIS SHIT
  6. footlong

    NSFW Mega Thread!!!!! Come see all your favorite girls.. Any requests made in here = BAN. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

    no hate but that took you long enough summer was hot with new users posting underage content. Did my fair share of reporting these sick fucks
  7. footlong

    NSFW Mega Thread!!!!! Come see all your favorite girls.. Any requests made in here = BAN. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

    :huh2: lol getting sued for 30k but you don't even know who he is ya dumb bytch. She's going to sue discord/reddit to hand over users IP? Good luck with that.
  8. footlong

    NSFW Brittany Dailey

    simp force is heavy in this thread
  9. footlong

    NSFW Mega Thread!!!!! Come see all your favorite girls.. Any requests made in here = BAN. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

    if your only begging on ABW then of course ... contribute and i might share it
  10. footlong

    NSFW Mega Thread!!!!! Come see all your favorite girls.. Any requests made in here = BAN. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

    i just know this nasty bytch is getting fucked by her dog from reading that.
  11. footlong

    NSFW Mega Thread!!!!! Come see all your favorite girls.. Any requests made in here = BAN. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

    going for atleast 100 TB in 2021. Some of these OF are becoming huge, reily reid was 162 GB.
  12. footlong

    Mega is compromised

    see kids never go full retard mega doesnt know whats in your account what mega does have is a system in place where a content creator can contact them about DMCA problems. Each file is hashed so when that triggers a DMCA notification the file either gets deleted or you can't...
  13. footlong

    NSFW Mega Thread!!!!! Come see all your favorite girls.. Any requests made in here = BAN. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

    real talk start posting then fuck nigga to all the other niggas, seek help trannies are on your mind 24/7 that you can't even tell who trans or not. anyone thinking PrincessHelayna is trans is straight up retarded and needs to log of seek help, and go follow female anatomy classes again