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I have NEVER wanted a summer to start more than I do now.

These kids and their mentality, and the parents who mirror that same mentality.

This is some bullshit.
So I chaperone this trip today with my son...

Remember that weird smell from skating rinks when you were a kid?

It was pretty distinctive, but never really bothered you much...

It's feet! Dirty little kids feet, and as an adult it drives you crazy cuz it's everywhere!! Inescapable until you leave the building as a whole.

Complete devastation. ☹️
LMBO @ "One of them"

If you mean a woman that will allow her man to do whatever Thee F*ck he desires to/with her.
(Sans Urine and Poop and that extra nasty ISh.)
Then.. yep.

Qwik question... if I'm hitting it from the back, would you let me rest my foot on tha back of ya head for leverage?
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