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lol bet... so fuckin Dragons are within the realm of possibility
Assassins who can change their faces are within the realm of possibility
Folks can light there swords outa nowhere like lightsabers is within the realm of possibility
Fuckin GIANTS(which he saw) are within the realm of possibility
A magical wall to keep out Ice demons and the undead is within the realm of possibility

but you draw the line at a nigga being able to look into the past and quote your own words back to you. Got it lol
Little finger wasn't around none of that shit though and most ppl who never saw these things,don't really believe in them

Nobody thinks White Walkers really exist

It's like Greek mythology to them,except it is real
And he's a quitter, quit being the head of the watch and then quit being the king of the north. You put this dude in charge will he still be there when shit get tough

He didn't quit the Night's Watch,he died and you only have to be in the NW until you die

Plus his men killed him

would be kinda awkward around the water cooler

he didn't quit being The King Of The North,he just needed to save humanity,which is more important than running the north

Can't run shit if you're dead
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This shit reminds me of Ned and Cersei. People harped on Ned for showing her mercy to get up and leave KL. If none of you saw what happened after y'all would have done the same thing. There is no way in hell, Ned or any of you could have expected Cersei to be that stupid and kill Robert.

Tywin said the same thing because in the grand scheme of things, they could have just denied it because there is no real proof other than what the color of one's hair ? He didn't expect Robert to die and Renly to run. Cersei killing Ned only confirmed what Ned was trying to prove. Which Robb picked up on.
She didn’t really want him dead just didn’t want anyone valuing his claims
I would think that the smartest person in Westeros would want to know how somebody that was nowhere near the conversation or had any ties to it could quote one of my secret conversations word for word but hey what do I know...


Yall got it... lol keep thinkin LF was the goat as you please. Im looking forward to sunday regardless lol

The fact that littlefinger died crying with his throat slit. And the fact he tried to play games in the North literally in Winterfell makes him lame. His whole smartest nigga thing was weak. He wasnt even smarter than Tywin if we being real.
Like I said before I'm not interested in arguing danys leadership. I already said these past 2 eps she been on some bullshit.

We talkin bout jon right now. As much as we fuck with jon we gotta keep it a buck and none of the shit he's done thus far has proven he'd make a good king. Not that he cant improve and I'm sure he would with time but being a leader and a king are not the same. And as of right now, he ain't show us he'd make a good king.

Jon is impulsive and one track minded and continually runs toward death to prove his point. Nigga more committed to dying than prove he'll do what it takes to live for the ppl he tryna lead. What good is your leadership if you dead. Bruh went on 3 suicide missions for no reason lol. He tried to kill mance in wildling camp and he woulda died if stannis didnt pull up. He went into the battle of the bastards knowing he didnt have the numbers and didnt heed sansa's advice to wait until they could get more men and not be baited by Ramsay. Sansa knows how he is and had to get the vale involved because jon is retarded. Then that bullshit beyond the wall.

Outside of fighting what is jon really good for? He couldn't even rally the men they did manage to get for battle of the bastards. That was Davos lol. And thanks again to Davos and also Tyrion cuz without them jon wouldn't have no dragonglass. Stannis told jon to send Thorne away cuz keeping him around wasn't wise. What did jon dumbass do? Keep him right there while he plotted a mutiny right in front of his face.

Jon stupid and sansa been a better king than him.

This all facts. This aint pro Lannister but Starks literally dropped the ball the whole series. Sansa was weak but she actually applied what she learned. Jon dont think Robb didnt think Catelyn didnt think and Ned was just way too honorable.
This all facts. This aint pro Lannister but Starks literally dropped the ball the whole series. Sansa was weak but she actually applied what she learned. Jon dont think Robb didnt think Catelyn didnt think and Ned was just way too honorable.

Even through all that the STARKSET is
Absolute crock or shit and you know it.

Jon is impulsive !? Every major decision he has ever made he did consulting with his advisors and taking his time unless he had no choice. When he was running Castle Black he made sure that everyone's safety was a priority. He didn't go after Mance, Mance stormed Castle Black and Jon tried to make a truce between the NW and Mance because he knew all they wanted was safety. Alastair Thorn almost destroyed the NW if not for Jon so much that he had Jon killed for it because Alastair couldn't see the big picture. That has always been his perogative from day one. So much that he went and unified Wildlings and the Night's Watch along with other houses of the North to beat The Boltons. If we're talking impulsive, Dany was the one who wanted to swoop into KL and destroy everything not Jon. Tyrion is the only reason Dany hasn't died.

This is how you WORK TOGETHER

- every time Tyrion or Varys make a suggestion they have to fight tooth and nail with Dany for no reason.

You cannot say Jon went on suicide missions, how tf was he supposed to see Hardholme coming ??? When he travelled North of the wall it was on Mormont's orders. He Still managed to save the lives of the wildlings, when he faced off against Ramsay he didn't want to engage him in battle until he had no choice (Ramsay wrote a letter saying he had Sansa and his brothers hostage and was going to kill them). He was doing everything he could with the resources he had which were scarce and STILL came out on top. He didn't have 3 dragons, he didn't have an army of Dorthraki, or unsullied or greyjoys. Dany did and STILL took Ls against the Lannisters and lost major assets. Jon has been lucky AF and this is game of thrones you take chances when the outcome isn't known.

As for Dragonglass !? Jon was the one who told them what it would take to kill the army of the dead. He was the one who went to every house in the north, Danearys AND KL to form a truce to fight the undead army. Dany almost didn't even want to help him because she was selfish and wanted to impulsively take the throne which if not for Tyrion she would have lost. The difference between Jon and Dany is that Jon has had to make decisions on his own with less. Dany has had every single advantage known to man and has still lost time after time. Outside of her dragons the kingdom is better off without Danearys.

Jon doesn't even want the throne because he's the only character who realizes it means nothing anymore. The only thing he wants is to protect the people and Westeros. Dany doesn't even care because for her this is a mission for her to get back at the people who killed her family (who are mostly dead and/or working with her so that leaves one person who really had nothing to do with her father's demise but again Dany is missing the big picture). The Iron throne doesn't mean anything anymore. Cersei made sure of that when she took it. Nobody wants to be under the iron throne or 7 kingdoms and Jon is the only character who sees that the old way doesn't and hasn't been working. Dany was supposed to break the wheel but everywhere she goes she's telling people to bend the knee. Cersei didn't kill her family she did what she had to in order to survive because she was born a woman, Dany isn't the mad king but all of a sudden wants to fly to KL and kill a woman who had nothing to do with anything. How's that breaking the wheel when you're perpetuating the cycle of bullshit. Where does it stop ? With Jon Snow.

Jon has never asked for titles even when it was offered to him. The people gave it to him.

Let it be known your queen initially refused the call. This nigga had to travel beyond the wall to get a Wight so he could provide proof and form of union with everyone. He didn't have to go but he went and stood with his men like a true king should.

Fam you keep bringing up dany when she not the focus here.
And none of the shit you said had anything to do with my point. No one is debating jon is a natural leader. And as grownups we all understand that sometimes doing the stupid thing is the right thing. We know he united the wildlings and the north and no one is taking that from him. With that said, running yourself or your ppl straight into the jaws of death before you even get to what you're fighting for is not king shit.

Just because we fuck with jon does not mean him going to kill mance was a good decision. Keeping Thorne around was not a good decision. Excluding sansa from any discussion before going into battle of the bastards was not a good decision. Getting baited by Ramsay when Sansa already told you rickon was as good as dead was not a good decision. Cersei never has and never will give a shit about anything but herself. Going beyond the wall to bring back a wight to prove to her to give some soldiers to the cause was not a good decision. If either he, dany or more than 1 dragon died during that shit then what? Cersei woulda gave a fuck then? Night king woulda gave a fuck? Lol. Dany and Tyrion got called stupid for trusting Cersei but the nigga who helped put the plan together and went through with it ain't stupid? He went on that suicide mission and still ain't get Cersei's men cuz he couldn't think quick enough to lie at the last second.

Again, we all fuck with jon. But theres more than enough evidence to support that jon is culturally a stark lol.
Like I said I think LF could account for most things just not a nigga who could read the entire past and future of everyone ever in history.

It's easy for us to say because we're the audience. As for the writing on the wall, there's a lot of foreshadowing those last two episodes, just keep the same energy.
Again, you can exclude bran and that still leaves you with nobody in the north fuckin with you. Not a single person. Dany still has a chance to win the north over by how she and her armies perform in saving the world. LF did 1 thing and thought that bought him lifetime untouchable status when all of his importance rested on a nigga that breastfed til he was 17.
Fam you keep bringing up dany when she not the focus here.
And none of the shit you said had anything to do with my point. No one is debating jon is a natural leader. And as grownups we all understand that sometimes doing the stupid thing is the right thing. We know he united the wildlings and the north and no one is taking that from him. With that said, running yourself or your ppl straight into the jaws of death before you even get to what you're fighting for is not king shit.

Just because we fuck with jon does not mean him going to kill mance was a good decision. Keeping Thorne around was not a good decision. Excluding sansa from any discussion before going into battle of the bastards was not a good decision. Getting baited by Ramsay when Sansa already told you rickon was as good as dead was not a good decision. Cersei never has and never will give a shit about anything but herself. Going beyond the wall to bring back a wight to prove to her to give some soldiers to the cause was not a good decision. If either he, dany or more than 1 dragon died during that shit then what? Cersei woulda gave a fuck then? Night king woulda gave a fuck? Lol. Dany and Tyrion got called stupid for trusting Cersei but the nigga who helped put the plan together and went through with it ain't stupid? He went on that suicide mission and still ain't get Cersei's men cuz he couldn't think quick enough to lie at the last second.

Again, we all fuck with jon. But theres more than enough evidence to support that jon is culturally a stark lol.
You’re blaming Jon for not knowing how Cersei is? It was Tyrion’s idea .. everyone listened to him about Cersei cause they don’t know her except Tyrion.all the other shit .. ok. Kong’s make mistakes. Literally everyone in this show has made mistakes. Jon is a bit slow but clear headed and listens.