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Name and avi change
I tried to catch up but I don't get it

So someone gave abw real money so they could change my avi name and picture?

Idk who this person is but don't I get some sort of reward for getting someone to donate?
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Reactions: King Freeman
Lol nah b
Seems like a missed opportunity to encourage
So if I get bill gates to donate it's just whatever huh
Y'all need to work on that

Who did this, what for, and how long does it last, can I get those answers?
I tried to catch up but I don't get it

So someone gave abw real money so they could change my avi name and picture?

Idk who this person is but don't I get some sort of reward for getting someone to donate?

Yea man, he also claim he's the only one not taking it serious but he's the only one who been crying since Saturday. Everyone else just been chilling
Da fuk going on round here..

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